Discussion: Cruz: My Dad Was Cuban Socalist Who Wanted To Join Castro

He’s angling for the Bernie Sanders vote, but he’s not gonna get it.

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Ted Cruz says he hasn’t misled about his father’s exodus from Cuba

Costa, Robert (August 28, 2013). “The Rise of Rafael Cruz”. National Review. Retrieved August 28, 2013.
Born in Matanzas, Cuba, he grew up in the Cuban middle class in the 1950s, as the son of an RCA salesman and an elementary-school teacher. As a teenager, he grew to detest the regime of Fulgencio Batista. He and some of his schoolmates frequently clashed with Batista’s officials. Eventually, he linked up with Castro’s guerrilla groups and supported their attempts to overthrow Batista. It’s a decision he still regrets. His move toward Castro, he explains, was mostly due to his anger with Batista’s government, which at one point imprisoned him and tortured him for his work with the revolutionaries. He says he never shared Castro’s Communism, but, at the time, it was the best way to fight Batista’s oppression. By age 18, in 1957, he knew he needed to get out, and a friend essentially bribed an official to secure him an exit permit. Number 19

A non-republican I’m guessing.


Cruz has such a track record of hyperbole and outright lies that I find it impossible to grant credence to anything he says. The same goes for his father.


So when did the devil seduce your dad?

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He also says that getting beaten and kicked in the head is torture. Has anyone asked him about his opinion on water boarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques?” It is certainly a fair question, since he describes his father’s beatings as torture.


My dad?
You mean Cruz’ dad I think.
My post was addressed to Mr Ted Cruz and referenced his dad.

No, because as a Socialist and a Communist, Obama is a failure.


"Cruz: My Dad Was Cuban-(@Ichthus, @BaronSieggy. Sorry. You beat me to it, and I did not notice your posts until after I posted mine.)

Cuban-Southern Californians are the very worst, even worse than the Irish and Methodists if you saw Blazing Saddles (the mother of all satirical movies in which Mel Brooks used the n-word to mock racists).

The irrational ramblings of a megalomaniac.

Thus…a minister of the Christian gospel.


If nothing else, Teddy boy Cruz is consistent: Cruz rewrites history with lies to advance his own warped political agenda. Now he’s even lying about the facts on his right wing fascist father who was NOT a supporter of Castro but rather a supporter of anyone fighting against his enemy - Cuban dictator Batista.

Being in bed with your enemy’s enemy does not make you one!

Cruz isn’t just unfit to be in the White House, he is unfit to be a US citizen with his treasonous act and speeches.

Why do people vote for politicians like Cruz and most of the Republicans who hate government and hate the Union - they want to go back to being Confederates and even worse.


you can’t even get simple things right, like when castro turned to the soviet union for support, something you could have easily looked up. of course, pretty much everything that comes out of you is such a pile of horseshit, why should I expect you to get something as simple as that right?

I am curious to see what comes out of your closet, that ends up destroying your political career. I expect it to come out pretty soon.


I wonder…

“Cruz: My Dad Was Cuban Socialist Who Wanted To Join Castro”

…Is Ted trying to establish his leftist bona fidies?
Is he gonna change parties?? Or is he just bullshitting.

To Cruz’s own constituency, just his, mentioning socialism, Castro and Cuba are big no no’s and a loser. Why doesn’t he just throw in that his mother had a few quick lesbian experiences with some Soviet ladies and that he personally believes that Cuba should be liberalized in a progressive manner.
What a dope.

Ted Cruz isn’t setting the table for a 2020 or beyond Presidency by introducing himself to the nation now as the classless clown. He is far more interesting when he STFU and maintains a mystique because getting to know him is getting to dislike him rapidly.

So when Pappa Cruz couldn’t join the rebels in Cuba he ran off and joined the rebels in Texas. Pretty much sums it up. He’s an anti-government rebel wherever he goes. He just found the freedom to do so here in the USA.


I’ve been there for a long time, if anyone is for the threat man cruz at this point they don’t really care what’s coming out of his boney closet. He is nothing more than a fear monger created by being terrorized by an insane father.

*Why if Ted is a family guy that he never talks about his mother???


Touché! :grinning:

You know, most people evolve and correct their youth mistakes while growing up. I was a socialist too up until my early 20s and I don’t see any discrepancy on that. Cruz said his dad was appalled by Castro saying his revolution was COMMUNIST, not socialist as Cruz father first thought. Not that there is that much difference between the two ideologies but still…!