Discussion: Cruz: GOP Will Block Exec. And Judicial Nominees If Obama Acts On Immigration

Discussion for article #230349

As if they were going to confirm anyone anyway. Also, too, Cruz is a fucking disgrace.


Cruz busting a hissy fit again. Film at 11.


The other Republicans could just give Cruz their proxy votes, and go on long vacations. Or not. Stay tuned …


And here I thought the Republicans had elected Mitch McConnell to be Majority Leader. I guess Cruz must have missed that vote.

Also, “lawless” is the new “uppity”.


I thought the plan was to prevent the President form getting any of his nominations through so that the government suffers because, as we know, Cruz wants desperately to make sure that the government fails.


Cruz does that because he gets away with it. He blames Obama for shutdowns because he gets away with it. He calls the president “lawless” because he gets away with it.

It’s all crap. But he gets away with it. No journalist has the decency or the stones to call this asshole down. They let him get away with it.


I wonder what would happen if the President said, “You know what? I have just had it with you guys and your hyperbolic bullshit. I am gonna take some time off here, do some golfing, maybe spend some time in that fancy movie theater we got here in the White House, tussle around with the dogs, just kinda relax. And when you find something I can do that isn’t lawless, why you just let me know so I can veto it and get back to golfing and relaxing. Just go ahead and do whatever, dudes.”


I think Ted Cruz should hold his breath until Obama gives in to Republican demands.


But it’s not the job of the “journalists” to point out when politicians are talking crap. Ask Chuck Todd.


The one bill at a time thing is so impractical. It would create a partisan split on important but unpopular programs. Leaving some programs in funding limbo and others fine. Just seems like the king of dumb ideas.

And the president is threatening shutting down the government? Seems like the GOP did last time and right now. The only way the president is causing anything is by not caving to every tantrum. If a program is passed through Congress and signed it is the law and needs to be supported until the time that it is repealed, if ever. Like the ACA, there should be no debate over the funding to it.

Otherwise, it just leads the same battle to continue forever. If there is anything controversial with a split government it ruins the system. I can understand trying to repeal, if there is a real chance and good reason for a given law. Otherwise, it is stupid, pointless and disruptive.

Is this guy even an American citizen?

The crazy on this one goes to eleven…

If the GOTP wants more crazy, we should probably give him more crazy. I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more crazy!

At the bottom of Challenger Deep.

Who believes that the Republicans will pass any nominees regardless of what the President does? They will pass nothing.The President could build a hundred foot concrete barrier on the Mexican boarder and execute all Hispanics , then drop a nuclear bomb on ISIS and they would reverse their positions and criticize him for it.


THrOUGh His ILLEgaL mONARCHizaTION of AmerICA, NObAMA is MAKing CRUZ maKE NOBama SHUt DOWn the GOVerNMEnt. AND the PEOPle wILL aLL see THAT IT is ALL NOBama’s FAULT. IF we GAVE EVerYONe aMNESty, THE BAD HispanICs, the ONe’s THAT POOP out aNChorbabies and doN’t paY anY taxes wiLL outnumber tHE gooD, weLL-beHAVEd HISPanics, LIke TEd Cruz!!1!1!!!one!!1!!!


Ted, the solution is really simple.
Go talk to your tea idiots over in the House. Get them to pass the immigration bill you guys in the Senate have already passed. Obama will sign it. Don’t worry about that.
See? It’s easy.


Yawn. Like they’re not planning to stop all nominations for the next 2 years anyway.



Let’s see here…wasn’t John Bolton appointed to the United Nation as a recess appointment by George W. Bush? He could do that a few weeks after the new Congress is sworn in and while they are on their annual “It’s too cold and snowy and we don’t have the right shoes” recess in early February. The appointments would then remain in place until the new congress is seated in 2017.

Ted “Doing my best to Make the Governing I was elected to do as dysfunctional as I can” Cruz.

Enjoy your time as Majority lead Mitch!!!

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Ever notice how you never see Ted Cruz and Joe McCarthy anywhere at the same time?

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“Obama is not a monarch”

Clearly. I mean, the only kings and queens Teatrolls are even aware of were white.

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