Discussion: Cruz Fuels Conspiracy Theory: Why Are Clinton Supporters Backing Trump?

Discussion for article #244576

I dunno, 'cause he’s a mendacious douchebag? You of all people should recognize the signature of a narcissistic sociopath.

Moar popcorn plz k thx.


I’ve got news for you, Tex. Both Hillary and Bernie would whip you like a rented mule in a general.


Big surprise Ted: Professor Tribe’s opinion that your Constitutional eligibility to be President is “murky and unsettled” is nothing more than his legal opinion as a Constitutional scholar. That his opinion seems to support Trump’s wild innuendo does not necessarily mean that Tribe supports Trump nor that Trump & Tribe are in a conspiracy to prevent your election in favor of Hilary Clinton.

Beware Ted, your paranoia is showing . . . again.


oh, idk, rafael… perhaps it’s because professor tribe is a recognized constitutional authority at the country’s leading law school – and one of your former professors who is very familiar with your malleability on original intent.


He’s got more trouble today as others hop on board.

Cruz, why not just say the whole confusing thing is not worth fighting about and withdraw from the race? Otherwise it’s all this “he said, she said” and who needs that? P.S. By spending more time with your family, you’ll be freeing yourself to spank your daughters shielded from prying eyes!


Huge, this is just HHUUGGGEEE. Rafael is not a natural born citizen by any measure.


Isn’t Tribe the same professor that taught President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts Ted ?


Actually, the best way to get another Democrat in the White House is for Cruz to be the Republican nominee.


Yes, and didn’t he say they were both smarter than you? And that you were being willfully duplicitous about what is “settled law” and that such seemed to disqualify you in itself?


“It is more than strange to see Donald relying on, as authoritative, a liberal left wing judicial activist Harvard law professor who is a huge Hillary supporter,” Cruz said. “It starts to make you think, gosh, why are Hillary’s strongest supporters backing Donald Trump?”

The funny thing is that Laurence Tribe, the “left wing judicial activist,” admits that under his “liberal” view of the Constitution as a living document, Cruz would be eligible to run as President. However, Tribe says, the problem arises from Cruz’s own “strict constructionist” and “original intent” view of the Constitution. Under Cruz’s own proclaimed methodology for determining the meaning of the words and phrases in the Constitution, Cruz would not be eligible to run for President because the original meaning of the phrase “natural born citizen” was a citizen born in the United States. So it is not Tribe’s liberal view of the Constitution that is the problem. It is Cruz’s own conservative view of the Constitution that is the problem for Cruz.


Wasn’t Lawrence Tribe young Cruz’s (yuck, now there’s an image most of us don’t want to contemplate) his professor of Constitutional Law? What a cheap shot to take against one of his mentors, liberal or otherwise. If anything this just proves what an insider asshat this guy really is, no matter how much he denounces his elite Haavad edjumacation. I mean, why didn’t he choose to go to Oral Roberts U. like fellow traveller Michelle Bachmann if he’s such a good Evangelical? That would have seemed the most logical course he claims he’s always been on. I really hate this guy…


This is exactly the funny thing!


+1 By every objective measure the man is horrible.


Poor Rafael getting heat over the eligibility question. Pardon me while I laugh and egg on people who aren’t sure about the topic.

“liberal left wing judicial activist Harvard law professor”

Wow, that’s a mouth full! I guess the number of invectives you use is directly proportional to the fear you have for the person.

Oh, and Ted, since the professor is not a “judge” he cannot be a “judicial activist”.


Hey be fair! It’s not paranoia, but instead legitimate desperation at seeing Iowa and the whole race quickly slip out of his grasp! He’s going from being a top contender back to the same old most-disliked-elected-official-on-Capitol-Hill. And you know that can’t be fun!

Just one reason every single GOP senator who’s been asked has cheerfully thrown him under the bus. Sociopathic backstabbery is a pillar of his personality. He simply doesn’t seem to understand the concepts of loyalty or gratitude, any more than a blind person can see. His brain just doesn’t seem to have that capability. Maybe he has some weird species of regard for his parents, siblings, wife, kids. The rest of us mean no more than a two-by-four or a gallon of gas, a sheet of paper or a shovel. We’re objects to be used, no more, and discarded when no longer of utility. Satan would be more sentimental about a college mentor than this guy.


Oh you burned his pedantic ass with that one!! Why the things that you say! My-my-my!

