Discussion for article #240986
“I believe the death penalty is a recognition of the preciousness of human life,”
How fucked up is that?
Carnival showing everyone the preciousness of life
Doublethink: It’s what’s for dinner.
If Jesus appeared in front of the Cubanadian and said something that Ted disagreed with, Cruz would have no problem pointing out where the Lord was ‘wrong’.
Shorter Cruz: I’m not pissing down your back. It’s this damn rain. (Shakes fist at sky)
The Pope has brought out the true colors of extremists like Cruz and King.
Cruz also mentioned his full support of Abortion is based on the preciousness of baby’s life.
Shorter bat guano:
We kill, because we love.
With a side of machine gun bacon.
The usual suspects are so usual…
“I spent a number of years in law enforcement dealing with some of the
worst criminals, child rapists and murderers, people who’ve committed
unspeakable acts,” Cruz told the publication. “I believe the death
penalty is a recognition of the preciousness of human life, that for the
most egregious crimes, the ultimate punishment should apply.”
This guy (Cruz) just cannot think logically. Killing someone as a punishment does not speak to that person’s life being precious. The Pope said every life is precious … he made no distinction.
Cruz makes it sound like he was the arresting officer right in there with the rapists and bad guys all around him. That’s about as truthful as Billo’s comments about being present and seeing Nuns shot down in the streets of Buenos Aires when what he really saw were photographs.
Screw Carnival Cruz and the tugboat he crossed the border on.
Ted Cruz has the most punchable face in America…Ted Cruz and some of my wife’s relatives! LMAO
You think this is bad, I remember a local “Constitution Party” candidate a few years back who, when asked about the death penalty, replied that if it was “good enough for Jesus’ time it is good enough for today.” Some of these people just make the mind boggle.
Cruz’ suggestion that the death penalty is about life is pretty typical for a party that would call a bill that relaxes pollution controls the “Clear Skies Act” or refer to a bill that allowed institutional bigotry as one celebrating “religious freedom.”
War=Peace. Makes sense.
If Jesus appeared in front of the Cubanadian and said something that Ted disagreed with, Cruz would have no problem pointing out where the Lord was ‘wrong’.
- and in the most condescending and insulting ‘fingernails dragged on a chalkboard’ kind of way - all while holding that smarmy child predator smirk on his face.
I would not be surprised if Ted Cruz supports lynching as well.
for the most egregious crimes, the ultimate punishment should apply
May this nation’s crimes never be egregious enough to be earn 4 years of President Cruz.