Discussion: Creeper Trump Barged Into Dressing Room At His Miss Teen USA Pageant


This must be why he bought the pageant. He wanted to oggle semi-naked teenage girls live. What a creep. A real pervert.


Be caught with a dead boy in his bed? A hooker at this point wouldn’t phase them, sad.


Myrtle is one of those Teabagger members of One Million (well, actually, about 35,000) Moms who wrote 3745 letters to the FCC about the Janet Jackson Super Bowl Terrorist Nipple Of Death, yet always gets moist when she re-reads dog-eared passages in her well-thumbed copy of “Fifty Shades Of Grey”.

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Trump being exposed to teenage girls is inappropriate.


“Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before,”

And grabbed about 65% of the total…

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Okay, now, just so I know: The one on the left is a guy, right? Or at least in the process of transitioning?

(This is not meant as a put-down – it’s a serious question)


I’m just guessing there are written Miss Teen USA rules that Trump violated with his owner peeping?


Looks like the guy at the extreme right is looking toward that wholesome family tableau of Ivanka on daddy’s lap and thinking “WTF?”


as owner he had those sections stricken from the rules

… and is still pondering the proper phrasing for the:

‘owner -performed manual non-augmentation breast assessment’


“I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,”

It would be nice if he were given the opportunity to expand his world view to include a prison shower.


Trump exposed himself to teenage girls getting dressed.


Question to Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader.

You both have daughters. Would you want/have wanted a man walking unannounced into their dressing room at work simply because he owned the place? I’ll bet you like other fathers would have grabbed that guy and have seen to charges being filed against him.

Do you personally respect boundaries? If you do, why would you condone someone who does not? Especially one you have help position to have great power over others in this country in all aspects of life, not just sexual behavior.

Are there no limits to what you will accept in a presidential candidate merely to keep political power for yourselves and what is left of your party?

Don’t you have a duty to protect us against the menace Trump represents?


Donald “Grab Them By The Pussy” Trump is a COMPLETE FRAUD.


So, what offends people more? The behavior, or the person doing it? It sure seems around here that the fact that this was Trump is what the problem is. After all, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and other Democrats have been accused of far worse.

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Everything about Trumpism that people have posted here… the salaciousness, the dishonesty, the fear that justifies any action by their savior… all of it… is a product of Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and the various contributors to Fox News. Trumpism is the ultimate product of Foxism.


Japanese vagina artist Megumi Igarashi wishes to humbly thank Donald-chan for great inspiration!


Marla is a bit a third wheel in that picture. I used to think it was weird that Trump never mentions Tiffany when talking about his kids but I’m beginning to understand why.


Won’t make a damned bit of difference. My prediction from the cheap seats? No more defections because they still think he will be a rubber stamp for most of what they want.

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He was just there for research. Y’know, comparing the teenagers to his own teenage daughter.