When you are a star you can do anything.
It’s okay, America, I’ve seen it all before.
Kellyanne will spin this as proof that Trump is a gentleman. You see, he was exposed to beautiful semi-naked teenage girls and did not touch them or say anything inappropriate.
I’m not kidding—do you doubt she’ll say something to this effect?
Imagine with Ben Carson will say, too!
11 of them don’t recall Trump walking into the dressing room.
Yeah I’d try to blot that out of my memory too.
Classic Trump: if you own the pageant, you own the girls. Walk in on 'em when they’re changing? Why not? You own 'em, right? Sounds like plantation life in 1859.
“Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before,” when he walked into the room.
Well Mr. I-Respect-Women-So-Much-I-Barge-In-On-Them-While-They’re-Undressed, if you’ve seen it all before then why do you need to “inspect” it?
Donald sees women as appurtenances
Well, at least he was telling the truth about something…
How are you doing with this one, Ryan, McConnell, evangelicals? Come to Jesus moment for you?
Of course, Gingrich, Guliani, Christie, Breitbart, Bannon, Manafort, Page, Lewandowski and the rest of the male misfits Trump arrayed/arrays around him as advisers all just wish they could have been there to enjoy the views. And are ready to go onto the shows and confess that.
Ms. Conway are you not ashamed to have signed on? What are you telling your children about the right of the moneyed to do whatever they please to others in sexual behaviors and all other interactions?
This guy is a certifiable sexual predator!
Ben will mumble: “The problem is, we aren’t seeing enough half naked 15 year-olds.”
Our groper-in-chief, peeping tom, sexual offender. How can people support this scum?
So a man walking into a room where dozens of teenage girls are changing clothes in order to “inspect” them is ok, but a transgender female who uses a women’s bathroom privately is not?
I’m beyond understanding how anyone - voter or politician - can try to make sense of supporting this guy.
Every fucking day we see another slimy side of him. Ask a Republican if they would be fine if Trump walked into their daughter’s room while she was changing. If they don’t cringe, they don’t deserve to be a parent.
Yet, they’ll still vote for him. What the hell is wrong with Republicans today? What would Trump have to do to lose their vote?
Indeed. If Trump would only have used the phrase “grab them by the appurtenances”, all of this could have been avoided.
“So what, everybody walks in on young girls when they’re dressing. It just proves Trump is a man, a healthy heterosexual. This is what we have to talk about when Muslims are trying to kill us?!”
Myrtle Peabody
Jackson, Mississippi
She had a well-publicised Ashamedectomy.