Discussion: Creeper Trump Barged Into Dressing Room At His Miss Teen USA Pageant

Reminder: You shouldn’t need to cite a female family relation to be disgusted by this crap. You also don’t need to ‘revere’ or ‘honor’ women. Just be a decent human being.


Is there a doubt in anyone’s mind why Trump got into the pageant business?


Trump is undoubtedly the kind of twisted perv that keeps a personal scoring system -

  • stick tongue in woman’s mouth …1-point
  • see a nipple: … 2-points
  • grab the boob … 4-points
  • grab a pussy … … 5-points

… if she is “hot” = bonus point … a “pig” = deduct a point


What a creep. And the most depressing part is that this is so, so, so not surprising. Of course he did that.



The ad writes itself. Holy moley. Miss Teen America. Teen. As in 15. “Don’t worry ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” And he gets away with it as an “owner’s” inspection. This said gloatingly on the Howard Stern show.

Hillary already knows the measurements of the White House drapes, of course, so she can attend to the next task on the transition list.



This is so creepy. The fact that he did it is disgusting in itself, but the fact that he boasted of it as a form of sexual domination is pretty much molester-level.

(I did theater and dance stage stuff in college, so I saw the usual backstage costume changes, and it was pretty much a point of pride among the people I worked with not to give a s*** about what we might see. Ogling was for the rubes and the pervs.)


I’ve been looking at Trump’s remarks from the angle of the election all this time, but the photo in the article really creeps me out now.


YUCK!!! father figure? after the expressions of lust for his daughter … wayyy beyond creepy!



Kellyanne Conway and Corey Lewandowski probably think that Donald Trump was a perfect gentleman because, after all, it’s not like he barged into their dressing rooms with his dick in one hand and a butt plug in the other. I mean, the guy’s a motherfucking saint. Like, Saint Thomas Aquinas, even!

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More importantly, there were no confirmed reports of any pussies being grabbed. Proof he is nothing if not a complete gentleman.


Of course not. I just wonder who the fall guy was in the event the locker room cameras were discovered.

“No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. … And you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.” (HO)

Any woman who is voting for this man … well, I’m too much of a gentleman to say it. There is no way I want my kids near a man like this, nor do I want anyone supporting this man anywhere near my kids. Keep the fuck away from me, you creeps.


Separated at birth - Donald Trump & Dennis Hof of the Bunny Ranch … and yes - this is real:



Megan’s Law requires sex offenders to be registered with the state. You can bet there are folks on those lists that are far less of a threat to society than Trump. In recent years there have been articles how a zero tolerance approach in these cases leaves little judicial discretion i.e. The 18 year old lad with his 15 year old girlfriend. It’s time for Trump’s law.


I think most every real American has been secretly longing for a President Pussygrabber.

Since Trump’s support among Latino and Hispanic communities is basically the same as support for incurable syphilis, he has replaced the infamous Trump Tower Taco Bowl with an even more scrum-diddley-umptuous culinary delight:


not on the ‘to do list’.

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