Discussion for article #233669
CPAC spokesman Ross Hemminger told TPM by phone from his orbital space fortress.
When will non-Conservative news outlets get the memo that when you point out their mistakes it just feeds the right wing beast?
I half think they put out stuff with 1 or 2 things wrong just so they can dismiss all the other points that are valid.
Gee who to trust, a Washington Post reporter or an organization that lies non stop?
Isn’t there a web site that grabs web pages as they appear? I think it’s called something like the way back machine? Can someone find the original post through that?
who cares. They can just say it was a mistake and blame the 21 year old web guy who wouldn’t know Ben Carson from Johnny Carson.
" ‘I’ve spoken with the web people who verified that it was definitely photoshopped,’ Hemminger said, promising to send evidence that the image was a fabrication."
Jeeeesus Keeee-rist! Just like that there Obama’s birth certificate! See that, Cletus?
Facts are neither fair or balanced.
Facts have a built-in agenda.
Facts never consider the other side.
Facts are a harsh mistress.
Facts can be easily photoshopped.
Facts lie.
Burma Shave.
EverYBOdy FAKE newS FACTs arE FAke excEPT for FOx. O’ReillY was DOING FIGHting agAINSt FauLKLAnd TERRor WArlords. LIBtard MORning JOE adMITTED as MUCH. !11!1!!one!!!
If you go to the wayback machine and choose the entry from February 20th, you see that the speaker’s list originally contained Senator Tim Scott.
What appears to have happened is that they removed Tim Scott’s name but kept his picture.
I’ll also throw out this possibility:
They uploaded Ben Carson’s photo with the same file name as Tim Scott’s, so someone who had Tim Scott’s picture cached could have seen the old photo.
RedState doesn’t believe in evolution, but they believe in Photoshop. Somewhere in the space-time continuum, there’s a rip forming.
The world needs Hellboy.
Bill O’Reilly was there and witnessed the photoshopping first hand! Joe Scarborough can confirm. Liberal media I tell you!
OK. I’ll just state the obvious. To Republicans…all black people look alike. Amiright?
Real or fake, of course they’ll deny it.
It’s programmed into their genes.
What a wonderfully nostalgic cultural reference! I can almost see the signs passing by now… LOL
Raise your hand if you believe CPAC.
When in Ur…
These guys are all rocket scientists except when it comes to evolution, the Earth’s age, climate change, reading birth certificates…
Somehow this feels like Deja Vu, doesn’t it? I mean, when have Republicans mistaken one black man for another? Seems I’ve seen them do this kind of thing many times over.