Discussion: CPAC Spokesman Says WaPo Reporter Tweeted 'A Photoshop'

Of course it’s fake!! Oh BTW: Anthony Weiner’s penis says Hi.


NeoConism goes NeoStalinism

(after all old Joe pretty much designed the photoshop proto envelope then pushed it.)

LIBtards WANt TO MAKE the PArty of LIncoln LOOk racisT wheN IN fact WE are THE PartY of LINcoln,


CPAC is a conservative organization, so I am sure it is sensitive on all matters pertaining to race. Anyone could mix up two black guys only 35 years apart in age.


Fucking morons don’t even know how to cover their asses on this. Just say it was some mistake by an intern or web site programmer who had no idea about he substance of what he was putting onto the web site for them. Instead, they have to go all “it was Photoshopped” which doesn’t even sound remotely believable.

“But but but…I talked to the web site guy and he said it was definitely Photoshopped.” Yeah, cuz he wants to keep his fucking job, moron.


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Because this prank–sullying the stellar rep of CPAC as a socially responsible outfit-- would be a GREAT use of time and energy?

Would have more likely been a photoshop punking if it showed an apology for being assholes or an interacial hug.

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“Ben Howe @BenHowe
I don’t even slightly believe this isn’t a photoshop…”

And yet, you believe in a magic sky person who hates teh gayz, that tax cuts for the wealthy increase gov’t revenue and create jobs and that 99.9% of the world’s scientists are all lying about climate change. Fucking imbecile.


They lie those gop bags…That is all they do! It was a screenshot…

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CPAC: a home for the reality challenged.


Well I suppose the rightwing depictions could be a lot worse…Like this one:


My thought too, it’s an awful thing to contemplate in the 21st century,

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Just another one of their oopsy-daisies…We meant no harm kind of bullshit.

Gak… CPAC’s “Here’s a link to Google cache!!!” does NOT prove their point. The cached HTML points to an image on CPAC’s server, not a cached image: http://cpac.conservative.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/12/Ben-Carson-338x507.jpg. There’s no knowing what that image looked like previously. (“But it’s called ‘Ben Carson’!” they might say, as if files can’t have inaccurate names, or be exactly what caused the mixup.)

I’m not sure how anyone can prove that a screenshot is photoshopped. A lot tougher than proving a single image has been modified.


Well all those crazy doctors and senators from South Carolina look the the same to me anyway LOL!

unfortunately that page wasn’t archived. i checked.

What? There is no doubt that is NOT Dr. Carson and there is no doubt that IS Sen. Tim Scott. Photoshop is an image manipulation tool. You use it to alter an image so that what is seen by the human eye was not what the camera saw.

The image of Sen. Tim Scott does not appear to have been manipulated and appears identical to the photo ( his official photo ) all over the internet. So the only “Photoshopping” that could be in play is if the entire page is an image and the image of Scott was layered in over that of Carson. But who gives a shit what imaging tool you used ( PS, Gimp, Corel ) to do it? It’s blatantly not Carson.

I use Photoshop daily. Had someone placed a bag of pot coming out of the guys suit pocket or an “I love gay sex” lapel pin on the image I’d understand the Photoshop angle. But there is no way anyone thought this was Carson so what’s the fuss?

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When only one black guy showed up at CPAC, they could get it right. With two, ithough, it’s a fustercluck!


Anybody who knows the first thing about computers knows that you use Photoshop to alter an image, not to replace an image with a different image. CPAC showed that they are lying when they quoted somebody as saying that it was “definitely Photoshopped.”


As if we needed to manufacture evidence that you’re all a bunch of buffoons.

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