Discussion: Cowboy: MLK Would Have Been Tea Partier, Not 'Race-Baiting' Liberal (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #232212

I think if King were alive today, they’d be demonizing him like what was done when he was alive.

“So today, I am officially announcing that the Tea Party is taking Martin Luther King away from the liberal left,” Finley said.

“And to you race-baiting promoters of division and hatred, you’re not getting him back until you renounce your shameful skin-color politics and start practicing the politics of character," he said to applause.

WTF??? King is not a fucking popsicle that you can take away based on good or (perceived) bad behavior. Last I checked, he was a PERSON that was killed due to the hateful rhetoric they have displayed over the years.
They might TRY to erase that but most of us remember…
Racist Tea Party Signs
Tea Party groups admit Obama’s race is a factor
How Militias, Racists and Anti-Semites Found a Home in the Tea Party

There are countless other sites with stories of the Tea Party and their antics.
And we can’t forget the Tea Party guy that held the sign with the N-word on it. Or the leader that made a post about Black people and large screen TVs . Yes, he was finally kicked out, but long before that he was making incendiary remarks using his platform as the leader of their party. And his members seemed just fine with it.

I’m sure MLK would have been so proud.


Wonder how many people of color heard that speech?


Nice try, dumbass! He obviously knows NOTHING about Dr. King’s beliefs and values!


MLK woULD’ve DEFInitelY been A die-HARd teA parTIER. HE neVER Played THE race CARD uNLIKE baLACk INSANE NOBama. In FACT HE nevER taLKED abOUT RACE. HE taLKED about HAVING a DREAM. WE ALL have DREAMS. THEN we WAKE uP aND REALIZe a DReaM IS jUST a BUNCH of CRAZY shIT that IS ROLLIng around in OUR Subconscious. GET REAL LIBtards. EVeryONE IN the PASt presenT AND fuTURE are DIe-hard TEa PArtiers EXcePT a BUNch OF LIbtards FRaught WITH socialistics!1!1!!!one!1!!!


No one should ever fall under the impression that these people can’t get any stupider.


All the dumbass white folks in the audience nodded their heads. Yep. He’s one o’ theirs. MLK wanted unlimited cash in political campaigns, tax cuts for the already wealthy and repeal of the Voting Rights Act. 'Cuz Lincoln was a Republican.


This guy is all over Youtube, spouting his anti-liberal messages, standing up for his gun rights. A few years ago, before Obama was reelected, this guy was fearul his guns would be taken away, and his right to pray would be in danger, too. Tea Party people like this guy, Wild Bill for America are both paranoid and severely lacking in education and rational brain power.

So, the tea partiers, who are the biggest racists that ever lived, are saying that liberals are racists, and they aren’t? Oh, really. This sounds like a Karl Rove tactic.


“Wilding” Bill’s crew have already taken away habeus corpus, the middle class, the social safety net … what else was there to take that wasn’t already nailed down?

He’s clearly not racist. Because MLK.


Exactly! I wonder if they panned around the room how many people of color would’ve heard his inspiring words. My guess is that it was a room filled with old, white, southerners who still hate Lincoln.


" … and start practicing the politics of character. "

You first, Hopalong.


10 pounds of stupid in a five pound bag.


Finley is another fine representative of South Carolina, which is STILL cursed by being too small to be a nation and too big to be an insane asylum.


That’s some heavy shit this early in the morning, Ghost. Pace yourself.

Yeah, the guy all about social justice and so on. The thing the Tea Party hates. He would be all about you guys. I am sure King had views that stretched the political spectrum of his day, but it would shock me if he would be anything like that.

Other famous people who would have been Tea Partiers, if only they hadn’t been highjacked and appropriated by Liberals:

Mother Theresa
Nelson Mandela
Robert F. Kennedy
Dorothy Day
Rosa Parks
Cesar Chavez
Coretta Scott King
John F. Kennedy
Eleanor Roosevelt


The “states rights” crowd, the crowd that cheered Rand Paul when he said a business should have the “right” to put up a “Whites Only” sign, the crowd that likes to call Obama the “Affirmative Action President” and worse, and goes on and on about how he was elected strictly due to the color of his skin, those are the folks that Dr. King would have supported? The Dr. King that spent the '64 election all but openly campaigning for LBJ’s reelection, calling Barry Goldwater’s nomination a “marriage of the KKK and the radical right”?


Well when you remember the words of King, you realize this cowboy has a point.

“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves will serve the sons of former slave owners as the slave owners sit together at the table.”

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward white supremacy.”

Yep. King was a Tea Partier.

(I admit that it pains me to ruin those great quotes even in jest.)