Discussion: Cowboy: MLK Would Have Been Tea Partier, Not 'Race-Baiting' Liberal (VIDEO)

Because James Earl Ray was a flaming Liberal.


Edit: meant [a] dream. oops.

Oh no guys! The Tea Party took MLK Jr., and theyā€™re not giving him back! Oh man, this changes everything.


The only way someone can believe this is if the only thing they know about MLK was that single line in the last 5 minutes of his speech - even a cursory glance at his writings and speeches will let you know which issues heā€™d align with today. (Spoiler: almost nothing from the Tea Party except perhaps some of their religious views, and we know no black religious types have ever identified as Democrats - riiiiight.) They do this on purpose though, itā€™s easy to marginalize and substantively dismiss the Civil Rights movement when you reduce it to that single line out of ONE of MLKā€™s speeches, and pretend he is the only voice from the movement, when in reality it wasnā€™t a whole lot different than it was today with dozens of different voices.

Also white people need to stop lecturing black people on what Dr. King would say if he were alive today. We would know if they hadnā€™t killed him, heā€™d be in his 80s about now. Itā€™s cute how the same people who vehemently hated him during his life pretend like they loved him all along.


Absolutely, MLK was absolutely hated by the conservatives of his day.


Agree, and when MLK was killed he was in the process of organizing sanitation workers.
He also marched for jobs, opposed the Vietnam War, and took other stands that the Tea Party are still dead set against.


I know heā€™s not a native South Carolinian and I donā€™t think he resides here or, at least, I hope he doesnā€™t live here. We have more than enough homegrown nuts without any being transplanted here.

You forgot one: Jesus.

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Iā€™m gonna pull out Christopher Hitchens again: If you gave this guy an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox.


Did Wild Bill just escape from the Insane asylum ?

Iā€™ve always wondered - who financed James Ear Ray? Any ideas?

Thank you Saren Arterius !


"It is the Tea Party where people are not judged by the color of their skin, and itā€™s Tea Party Americans who believe that character still counts.ā€

Yeah! Those pictures of that Kenyan socialist dressed up like a Witch Doctor? Those were liberals who did that!

Andā€¦and Benghazi!


Tea Partiers are seriously deranged and live in a bubble of their own making.

This idiotā€™s risible comments about Dr. King prove it conclusively.

IF Dr. King were still around, heā€™d be leading the fight for equality of all kindsā€”income equality, marriage equality, economic equality and on and on-----just as he did when he was alive.

If you do any research on Dr. King and what he stood for, youā€™ll find that he always placed economic equality side by side with racial equality, because they were inextricably intertwined then and they are still today.


OMG look at that fucking yahoo. Yeah, South Carolina conservatives would have totally welcomed King as one of their own. I bet there was not one fucking non-white face in that hall. If there is a hell, it surely is located in SC.


the janitor or kitchen help might have been able to hear it from outside the room.

Agree, and the March on Washington was also for jobs.

A bit off-topic here, I know, but bear with me: Itā€™s distressing that Democrats and liberals have allowed the reactionary conservative Right to claim a monopoly on morality and ā€œcharacter.ā€ I understand part of this is related to liberalsā€™ discomfort with injecting sectarian values into secular policy discussions ā€“ and I am OK with that ā€“ but part of the Rev. Martin Luther Kingā€™s power as a leader was his faith.
He was a man of faith, and he had faith in the ability and willingness of his fellow citizens ā€“ black and white ā€“ to embrace the moral dimension of his mission. Which was not just about civil rights for blacks, but the dignity of all humans.
As liberals, we need to also stress the moral dimension of the issues we care about, such as poverty persisting in the richest nation on earth, inequality in the justice system, failing schools in poor areas, a tendency to prefer militarism over diplomacy, and the tendency to deride civil rights as ā€œspecial rights.ā€

Thatā€™s why, even though I am not a regular church-goer, I welcome Pope Francisā€™ recent comments about economic inequality, equality for gays, tolerance, trickle-down economics, environmental plundering etc.


Upon being reminded that Martin Luther King was a ni(clang), ā€œWild Bill Dumbassā€ Finley said; ā€œforget everything I said.ā€


And Martin Luther King also would have supported gun rights, so that every black person could own a gun! Oh, uh, wait a minuteā€¦


Yes. When he was killed, he was in Memphis supporting a strike by sanitation workers.