It might have been sophomoric, but it was still about 5 grade levels above anything trump has ever tweeted.
Cornyn’s new election slogan. He’s going on a Not Listening tour.
Having written him many times on many issues, not listening has been his standard response.
Maybe I’m dumb, but: isn’t Cornyn’s response making Castro’s point?
Don’t call it a comeback. That was confirmation. Castro was saying Texas Republicans are ignoring Trump’s threat and the intern running Cornyn’s Twitter account agreed.
I mean, who uses a comma without a period? Millennials, that’s who.
Btw, Cronyn won with 2.8 million votes in the Ebola Election of 2014. Beto just got 4 million votes as an unknown congressman from El Paso. Cronyn wouldn’t even be my Senator if Democrats voted in every election.
We don’t need rock star politicians. We need people to vote for Democrats, no matter who they are. One politician can’t make a difference. It takes a majority. If 80% of Obama’s voters voted in 2014, Texas would have turned blue that year.
It’s amazing Cornyn was able to send a Tweet considering he was almost certainly on his knees praying to his god asking that Fat Ass not shut down the border.
WTHell is wrong with these people? Seriously? We are dealing with the BORDER you fking moron and you want to bully boy another member of the Texas group of 'critters?
Cornyn is dumb enough to blow a Texas Senate race in a Red State.
I’ve often said that Twitter is the hellish, electronic reincarnation of middle school…
Disgusting. I hope the Democratic candidate for Cornyn’s seat zeroes him out too.
Even Cornyn says TX is no longer a “ruby red state.” I don’t know what he’s so cocky about.
Cornyn is rather stupid.
I don’t read it that way. I think he’s implying that Castro is not hearing McConnell’s weak tea responses against the shut down. Republican CYA must always be noted.
The Party of Spiteful Aging White FOX Viewers. Who think middle school put downs are really cool. Talk to the hand, Joaquin.
Damn Cornyn is stupid. If he isn’t listening, how come he heard enough to tweet back?
I’m betting Cornyn’s fingertips touched each other…
I had gotten an email about this already. I just love it - I think he’s a goner. He’s been in that office forfuckingever and that isn’t working in anyone’s advantage any more. It works against them.