Of course, it could have been the People’s Front of Circular Reasoning. Or, perhaps, the Circular Front of Reasoning People. I’ll have to ask Brian.
You understand I’m simply the messenger, but I found his thoughts to be insightful. People hated the first black president to such a degree that they turned to a racist to assuage their feelings and amp up their hatred and are satisfied at last that the country’s on the right track. Not everybody who voted for PP is a racist, but none of them cared that he is and it’s not as if Coates could have persuaded anyone to vote for someone else even before November 8.
Any with the embellished clusterfuckery?
That would make them racist.
Some of them thought they were voting for a savvy businessman, including the brother of the assassinated Medgar Evers.
O very good.
It’s one of those “First they came …” things.
They’re still hating on Barack Obama. There’s not much to be said to them or about them except they’re extremely brainless and uncaring.
Hey, you’ve still got Le Page, so I wouldn’t act THAT damned holy. LOL!
Actually, that fucking Marsha Blackburn is the one I really despise. Marsha is such a fucking moron (the word seems to be in vogue now when referring to Republican politicians, as it well should be!) that she waged a political war against fluorescent light bulbs. Yeah, forget about kids dying because they have no access to health insurance, Marsha, let’s fight for the God-given American right to purchase incandescent light bulbs that burn out in a month.
Not if what they were pissed about is the Obama was a secret gay Muslim married to man that politically leaned Socialist or Communist.
“Who’s leg do I have to hump to get a drink around here?!”
Right. Except that.
And you just know that there is more than 1% of his 38% base that believe that.
It’s a club.
What’s up in Tennessee and Black women, Diane Black and Marsha Blackburn?
How could anyone outside of a Teabagger believe that Trump was a savvy businessman? I mean, the fucker bankrupted 4 casinos. How do you bankrupt a casino? It’s like having your own personal money-printing machine. What, didn’t he charge enough for the lunchtime shrimp cocktail specials?
Really only one way right? Someone is stealing the money. Not saying who, jus saying.
The problem is they’re not black women, otherwise they’d be competent politicians. Instead, they’re pasty-white morons.
Hey, Melania’s flood-proof stiletto heels don’t come cheap! And she don’t buy that shitty knock-off stuff that Ivankadonk shills!