Discussion: Corker: Tillerson Among Those Who 'Separate Our Country From Chaos'

Great story. You can feel him shrinking away to a corner.


You’re describing “a long time ago” when calico and gingham were popular. Texas women I know now consider they’re having a bad day if they don’t have access to Vogue, British Vogue, Harpers Bazaar or Elle.

I lived in Tenn 5 years with these wack jobs, corker,haslem,blackburn and the other walking dead.
AKA bluintenn, now I am free, free I tell ya. lol

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Except that Tillerson isn’t really doing his job as Sec’y of State – unless you consider dismantling the State Department his job.


If you haven’t seen the current Atlantic, here’s what Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing about. His belief is that PP is the inevitable response to a black president.


Are nanny expenses deductible?

Word has it that she is already digging gold elsewhere–with (married man) Corey Lewandowski. But I supposed true prospectors can attempt to mine more than one site at a time.


O god, now it’s out there - they might start!

I doubt that Melania would cross that line. I think that’s the one area where she would say Absolutely not.


Would those be the Knights of the Circular Reasoning or Elliptical Reasoning?

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Really? Such interesting word.


If I remember correctly, Claude Taylor is my source on that. He’s repeated it a number of times.

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God I hate to have to do this but - who is Claude Taylor? Sorry if that makes me really clueless…

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I heard him interviewed the other and he explained the title of his new book “We Were Eight Years in Power” and the time after the Civil War and start of the Jim Crow Era. It all made sickening sense.

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I think you are a non-twitterer right? In that case you are to be forgiven for not knowing who Taylor is. Basically he along with Louise Mensch is one of the top purveyors of non-mainstream, anti-Trump news on twitter.

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It would be a lot more impressive if he’d written it before November 8th, 2016.

Calling something that has already happened “inevitable” is just silly.

Sort of think Cillizza’s spin drove it home. `

"Asked directly by a reporter whether he was referring to Trump in using the word “chaos,” Corker, who announced last month he would retire in 2018, responded: “(Mattis, Kelly and Tillerson) work very well together to make sure the policies we put forth around the world are sound and coherent. There are other people within the administration that don’t. I hope they stay because they’re valuable to the national security of our nation.”

Stop for a second and re-read that last paragraph. The sitting Republican chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee is suggesting that if Tillerson was removed from office (or quit), the national security of the country would potentially be in danger. And he’s refusing to knock down – and thereby affirming – the idea that Trump is an agent of chaos who pushes policies that are not always “sound” or “coherent.”"


Hmm… didn’t realize Corker was so tiny but I assume that Tramp also objects to his unwillingness to do something about his hairline.

The Dead-eyed Q-tip he went with turned out better than he could have imagined - he has a built in YES man who doesn’t seem to know nothin’ ‘bout nothin’ and who comes with his own knee pads.

O. I have heard his name now that you told me where he came from. I’m not on Twitter, but now I know what you mean.

I guess Twitter is where all the good gossip is to be found. I’m reading a history of homo sapiens and the author believes that language developed so that we could gossip and that that is what started holding larger groups together in the beginning. They learned about each other through gossip which extended their relationships out further. I really like the theory. Gossip led to story telling because once we could talk about things that don’t exist in the material world, we could tell stories and once we started telling stories we invented the myths that make society possible.

So twitter may actually not be the death of culture after all. hahahahahaha


I believe it was the Holy Crusading Assholes of the Order of Misogyny and Both-Siderism.

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Have you read the book, or heard him talk about his book? If not then you’ll see what “inevitable” refers to the same situation that happened in the South post Civil War and going into Jim Crow. And it didn’t have to be Trump, but what Trump proposed that is inevitable.