That’s Professor Chaos!
Let’s get real: Melania Trump wears stiletto heels in the fucking shower.
A lady hasta have options
OT, but worth it—
What I noticed about her was that while he was sitting there in PR running his mouth, she sat there and nodded in agreement.
She’s loads of help, just like everybody else around him.
He too seems to have two go-to slight varied outfits. One is oversized suit with too long red tie, jacket provides camo for the oversized butt, and this water resistant thing which also provides camo when he wants to look empathetic with victims of some tragedy some where. No, I’m not going to put up a pic of the butt. We’ve all seen it, cottage cheese with a layer of Jell-O on it.
I read that earlier. Ruth made Neil her bitch!
At least they’re not dragging Barron around in an attempt to burnish their parenting cred. Maybe he just wants people to ogle her and then envy him.
Remind us again, Corkie, whom you voted for last November?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
I wonder if she ever wore a pair of those while posing for her pseudo-carpet-munching photo shoots during her “modeling” days?
Also, I wonder if the carpet matches the flippers?
Seeing as TPM is essentially a political site (except for when we get side tracked by fashion challenged political people) what you call “OT” really isn’t. I love that comment by Ginsburg.
The New Yorker is explaining it all today.
SAN JUAN (The Borowitz Report)—Calling the move an “urgent response to recent unfortunate events,” Puerto Rico has issued a sweeping travel ban on malignant narcissists, effective immediately.
Starting on Wednesday, Customs and Border Protection officials at Puerto Rico’s ports of entry will be equipped with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–V) issued by the American Psychiatric Association, and will be instructed to look for symptoms of malignant narcissism in those attempting to enter.
“If port officials encounter a visitor who has a pompous and arrogant demeanor, needs the constant admiration of others, and is unwilling to empathize with others’ feelings, wishes, or needs, that visitor will be denied entry,” a Puerto Rican government statement read.
Puerto Rico took the forceful action after an incident on Tuesday, in which a man with narcissistic-personality disorder gained entry to the island and inexplicably hurled projectiles at unwitting Puerto Ricans.
“We had to do something,” one government official said. “Enough is enough.”
Puerto Rico’s ban on malignant narcissists drew widespread praise from people around the world, with many Americans calling for a similar ban in the mainland United States.
Well there are a range of hues to choose from
Texans, fashion? When I lived in Texas a long time ago I was always amazed at how women in their 20s and 30s appeared to be wearing their prom dresses to work.
There go those “many people” again.
There was a moment when Corkie and Donnie discussed vice presidenting, but you can see what the problem is.
Looking empathetic doesn’t mean he is.
"Why do we protect, support, enable, and serve the powerful gun lobbyists and manufacturers, yet we can only muster “thoughts and prayers” for the suffering, mourning, bleeding, dying population?
The greatest threats to America are not Muslims, North Korea, or black men respectfully kneeling. The greatest threat to the United States is us.
Imagine a nation where everyone who ever made a public statement boasting about their faith chose to go from letting bullets roll down like waters and military assault weapons like an ever-flowing stream, to one where we actually chose to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
May God forgive us, for we know exactly what we do.
We are reaping exactly what we have sown."
Kelly might be out the door as part of the Friday news dump.