Not courage based upon generally accepted ethical standards, but It is for a Republican, which was my point. Republicans just don’t do this any longer and haven’t for decades.
Why bother when he has Ivanka?
Perhaps he feels guilty? Shame? He signed on to the Trump train along the wayl
When reading this the movie “The Expendables” popped into my mind. Hey what if got the all the old gang members back for for one last job “to save the Country from the assholes that primaried us.” Who should we cast?
Name the “chaos” you are talking about.
Hey, Brainstorm Bob: if Rex Tillerson really wanted to “separate our country from chaos”, he would push Trump off of the White House balcony.
I keep saying this over and over and over but WHY ISN’T THE MEDIA SCREAMING ABOUT THE FACT TRUMP NEEDS TO HAVE A NANNY?! Which is exactly what John Kelly is.
Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) on Wednesday went to bat for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who he described as one of “those people that help separate our country from chaos,” alongside Defense Secretary James Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
I think he’s more than implying Trump is Agent Chaos. So, to recap, we have moron, dotard, and chaos. Can’t hardly wait till tomorrow…
Really Corker? Tillorsen is a Putindickholster and Putinbrownnoser. How do you think he got this gig.
What makes you believe I forgot about Lust Object?
For many reasons, I’m not feeling much sympathy for Tillerson. For one, by his design, Tillerson is currently running the State Department with a skeleton crew. The moron-in-chief aside, Tillerson might just be able accomplish something of value if he started restaffing to fill the vacancies made by the exodus of State Department professionals over the past several months. Of course, the new hires would need to be competent professionals, not Gorka or Miller types, to move the country’s foreign policy interests forward. So, there is that…
I have lived in Tennessee for the past 36 years, and Corker has always been a major asshole. Now he thinks he’s on a political par with John F. Kennedy. I can already predict the title of his first post-Senate best-seller: “Profiles In Colonoscopies”.
Senator Corker, as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has a frontline view of the Administration as regards to its foreign policy. Not that we don’t know it’s a clusterfu@k already, but it’s still troubling hearing it officially confirmed so to speak.
Why should you have any sympathy? Tillerson knows as much about running the State Department as Sarah Palin knows about theoretical mathematics.
She has too many go-to-tragic-events outfits to wear before she can be fired or resign. The hat with the ponytail sticking out through it, aviator and oversized sunglasses, big shirt, flats instead of stilettos, etc. She wants Texans to think she dresses like all the time but you all know better.
I remember, in the mist-covered long-ago days of yore, when a noble and true dark beige knight ruled the land, that there was a competent Secretary of State.
Of course, The Fair Lady gave speeches to Wall Street and sent EMAILS!!! so she was a corrupt bitch who was no different than Lord Ladyfingers. At least that’s what I heardeth from royal strumpets Sarandon and Stein and the Knights of the BernieBros.
This from a republican…
(CNN) Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker suggested Wednesday that Gens. John Kelly and James Mattis as well Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are the “people that help separate our country from chaos,” a stinging criticism of President Donald Trump from a man once considered an ally in Washington.
Asked directly by a reporter whether he was referring to Trump in using the word “chaos,” Corker, who announced last month he would retire in 2018, responded: “Mattis, Kelly and Tillerson work very well together to make sure the policies we put forth around the world are sound and coherent. There are other people within the administration that don’t. I hope they stay because they’re valuable to the national security of our nation.”
just waiting on Bannon
“I don’t know what he may have said after the briefing,” Corker said, referring to reports that the secretary of state told other senior government officials that Trump was a “moron” in July. The State Department refuted those stories, but Tillerson himself notably did not.
As I commented in another thread, one does not “refute” simply by denying. To refute means to prove incorrect. In the other thread I was commenting on Trump’s misuse of the word, but I don’t expect much from him. I expect more from journalists, though.
If the State Department actually had refuted the allegation, there would have been no need for Tillerson to do so.
Then again her hubby, fashion plate he ain’t, seems to be dress for an arctic gale of some sort. Water resistant and hooded (oh MY!!) heavy jacket so attired against the inclement bright blue sky.