Discussion: Corker: Tillerson Among Those Who 'Separate Our Country From Chaos'

Problem for Iwanka is that no one in her target market does. The only reason sales are “up” is they are selling the shit in Marshall’s and Ross Dress For Less to the people who think they are buying luxury goods at a discount.

Even though Corker is retiring, he’ll be walking it back. His GOP cohorts (co-whores?) will beg him to.
What do you think: “misquoted” or “fake news”? And it doesn’t matter if it’s on videotape. He’s a Republican; he’ll deny it anyway.

I wonder if Ivanka finally landed that primo contract with North Little Rock Tent and Awning? Sarah is really having a hard time finding footwear to coordinate with those fabulous frocks she wears to the press conferences.

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BTW, seen last night at the DC Trump Hotel - Sean Spicer.


Hard to find stylish shoes that cover cloven hooves. Open toes and sling-back just don’t quite work.


O/T, but a good read:

What’s a ‘lone wolf’? It’s the special name we give white terrorists

Moustafa Bayoumi

What's a 'lone wolf'? It's the special name we give white terrorists | Moustafa Bayoumi | The Guardian

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Interesting theory. I do agree that gossip is a central feature of most people’s lives. And definitely twitter’s main role is to spread that gossip as broadly as possibly and as rapidly as possible. But still it’s depressing to think that at bottom that’s all culture is about. On the other hand, in the Age of Trump we have to be open to the possibility that the grimmest most depressing views about the nature of humanity are correct.

“So Senator, do YOU think Whiny’s a moron?”

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Yeah I don’t know that it is what culture is really all about - it just helped us kick start actual culture.

However, we are endlessly interested in each other and I don’t know which came first - the interest or the means to talk about interesting things which would lead to more interest.

Probably a mixture of both.

So twitter is taking us back to our roots! Not you though. And actually not me either. Yes I do follow a few of these political twitterers. But I have never yet sent a single tweet of my own and have no plans to ever do so either.

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I have an account that i opened years ago and then looked at it and went blank. I couldn’t think of a thing to post. I never tried again.



So, Corker says Tillerson, Mattis and Kelly are saving us from chaos, and I just remembered that Maxwell Smart worked to do the same thing.

Edit: Separating us from chaos. Still…


“That’s because you were brought up right!” ~ Clairee Belcher

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Why thank you. I don’t talk on my cell phone in public either.


My pet peeves? People who text inane “How ya doing?” messages during work hours and adults who seem to need genetically attached sippy cups.

If you need a constant intake of liquids, you have a leak somewhere. As to texting inane messages during work hours - one is only supposed to do that when in a staff meeting, only with a good friend, and only when the speaker is making a fool of themselves.

Ha! Somehow an account seems to have been opened for me–at least I thought I saw something to that effect awhile back. And I was even told I already have a couple of followers, anxiously awaiting my first tweet. These fans of mine, whoever they are, must be terribly disappointed!



and @matthew1961 - :joy: as well.

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Keep 'em hungry,


They must be ravenous by now.

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