Discussion: Conyers Says He'll 'Step Aside' From Judiciary Panel Amid Harassment Claims

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Difference between Republican and Democratic officeholders. Democratic officeholders are expected to step down.


So will conyers stepping down matter if moore wins in bama

If Conyers were a Republican he’d be fundraising off of it (like Roy Moore & Trump), and seeking higher office.


John Conyers has 100% approval rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood, and a 0% from National Right to Life. He has been a stalwart for civil rights of all sorts, and has voted to keep us out of unnecessary wars. He has been called a Clean Air Hero by the NRDC. He has been a, no the proponent of Medicare for All.

I don’t think it’s unfair to give him the benefit of due process before kicking him to the curb.


This is why Nancy gets the big bucks. She wasn’t going to out Conyers on national tv. He means to much to the party’s achievements on civil rights, the environment, health care and just plain fairness. But I watched the MTP clip and discerned Nancy telling Conyers that the party would not stand behind him if there was a credible claim of sexual harassment. She was giving him an honorable way out. Having taken that hit for Team Blue on national tv, she then coaxes him to step aside from the chairmanship, which frankly, is the path to getting someone out the door.

For those Dems who want to see Conyers and Franken step away now, I don’t think it needs to happen immediately. Let the process play itself out and let the party come together and develop a consensus on a path forward. Nancy pushed that ball forward this weekend. I ask the same of Franken. You’ve done right by the party and the voters in the past. You have to do so now as well.


This action (and Franken’s) starkly delineate the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Both of these men are taking responsibility for their actions and allowing the investigative process to proceed. Meanwhile, Moore and Trump are pretending that “there’s no there there” and attacking their accusers. A blind person could see the difference, why can’t our national media figures?


Yes, which is why this will ultimately hurt Democrats and help Republicans.

We still have one side that thinks they exist in a polite argument even when the other side is clearly holding a knife in their hand.

But, whatever. Comity!


Trump: This is not sufficient. Conyers is Black and a sexual assaulter. He must resign then I will install a white republican male to his seat.


If, as seems likely, the allegations represent a standard of behaviour stepping aside is correct. Stepping aside to quiet the Republican noise machine, on the other hand, is a fool’s errand.

Let the GOP deal with Moore in an ethical fashion before we exact Draconian penalties for lesser offenses. Going first suggests a non-existent moral equivalence and re- inforces a notion that sex sullies women.

This is a loss of legislative power for us in the struggle against Trump. It is no accident that Conyers and Franken were targeted first. Those who see themselves as so noble for judging our own would do far more for our cause by outing a Republican member of the list of fifty for every one of ours accused.

On a personal level, this is a loss for me. I met John Conyers in passing and we shared a political joke. I like him.c



What a great comment all the way through, but I really like this part of it so much.


At this point he’s just stepping down from his position as ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, not resigning from the ̶S̶e̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ House.

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Thank you.

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He should retire, and if he won’t, someone should run against him for the Democratic nomination. It’s not just his conduct that’s inappropriate; it’s also that he doesn’t have full control of his faculties.

Conyers isn’t a Senator.


Conyers can’t resign from the Senate, because he’s a member of the House.


D’oh! I made the same mistake yesterday. Correcting. Thanks.


Conyers should resign at THE EXACT SAME TIME as Joe Barton who sent out lewd dick pix. Until then, hell f*cking no.

That is all.


OT — JFC! What’s wrong with this picture?