It wouldn’t be a Sunday gas bag fest without Lindsay weighing in on the problem named Moore. He’s moaning and rueing.
Damn - you tell me what’s going on.
All I can discern is that the Russians have crawled up every ass they could access online.
They call it “triaging”, I call it tilting away from HRC
@tena This look like a deliberate attempt to sabotage Clinton with half-assed explanations to cover up their bias as was reported during the campaign
He must have gotten a new case of Lydia Pinkham’s.
He quit buying it by the bottle when Trump was elected.
He seems to want us to call him Cassandra.
Thanks for that. The explanation helps.
We hates the elders of the party, don’t we. Start telling some R elders they should resign and are just coasting towards a cushy retirement because they’re incoherent more and more often, then we can turn to Dems
h/t @carlosfiance
John Conyers has 100% approval rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood, and a 0% from National Right to Life. He has been a stalwart for civil rights of all sorts, and has voted to keep us out of unnecessary wars. He has been called a Clean Air Hero by the NRDC. He has been a, no the proponent of Medicare for All.
I knew I’d read about it somewhere.
Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.
Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited.
That’s his drag name.
Which means that Comey was the only apparently neutral player at the FBI. Or just one of a handful.
Eh, it’s more likely that he’ll resign with the expectation that Barton will follow his lead. And then, you know not.
I assume Miz Linz would prefer to keep dealing with the “homophobes for a paycheck” he’s used to in the Senate rather than an actual “hang 'em all” homophobe like Moore.
Barton is the victim.
Barton is the victim.
Barton is the victim.
It’s revenge porn. If it were Taylor Swift or Beyonce’s nude photo you wouldn’t hesitate to call it that.
He’s a confused old man who spent years harassing his staff. Fuck him, and fuck anybody who tries to justify this shit. It’s because he’s a Civil Rights icon that I’m pissed.
Dear G-d, the partisan hackery on this site the moment Democratic creeps started getting exposed.
And Barton is a victim.
Nevermind that the whole dick pick thing shows a complete lack of judgment in the man who is the longest serving Congressman from Texas.
Barton needs to retire and he better.
Really? So if someone leaked a nude photo of you, you’d resign your job?
Well first off, no one could do that to me because there are no nude pictures of me in existence.
Secondly, the first time a woman in Congress has that happen to her, let’s just see what happens, but I suspect they’ll either get out the ducking stool or just skip it and burn her at the stake. If you need spelled out - I wouldn’t get to resign, I’d be thrown out.
And slut shamed. And I’m returning the favor on Barton - it was a stupid damn thing for a man his age to do. Too stupid by far for a sitting Congressman.
Have any oil companies released statements apologizing to Barton, yet? Or is it more of a whore/John relationship rather than a codependent kind of thing?
Anyone found anything of interest that Barton had to say about Weiner?
People have run against him in the Democratic primary. They lost. Conyers got 60 percent in the last primary and 77 percent in the general.
And an opponent will likely fare better this time now that his constituents know he’s in cognitive decline and that he thinks of his staff as pieces of meat.