Discussion: Conway: We'll Pass Obamacare Repeal 'This Summer,' But 'Replace' Can Wait

“We are disgusted by Trump’s behavior while we support everything he wants.” GOP.


Rand Paul “That’s a really good idea. Let’s repeal ASAP, then we can see if we can find something to replace it with later < snicker >”


Kelly Ann’s been to the surgeon, I see. Tear troughs all plumped up.


“In terms of the procedure,” she added later, “it could either be repealed and replaced at same time, or you could do what happened in the 2015 Senate bill, where every Republican senator who was there except for one voted, and they voted to immediately do away with the penalties and taxes under Obamacare, they dealt with Medicaid as well.”

“The only thing that’s changed since their vote in 2015 to repeal Obamacare and now is that you have a Republican president willing to sign that into law,” Conway said.

Yes, well, in 2015 they all voted for it because they knew it would never become law. Now, when if they vote for it they will own it, they lack the same bravado. Sure, they can repeal the Affordable Care Act, but then they’ll have to answer to the American people, only about 10% of which want this to happen.


I don’t think they have the votes to do an out-and-out repeal, but even if they do, they don’t have the guts to pass a bill that repeals the ACA immediately.

Watch - they’ll propose one that repeals the ACA in 6 years. You know - after every Republican Senator has had their opportunity to get reelected.

EDIT: Yes, I’m aware that it’s going to take 60 votes to do a full repeal. I’m just saying that even if they had them, they still wouldn’t have the guts to make it happen right away. Save jobs first; kill people after reelection.


“Replace” to this bunch would be a policy that offers each person a bottle of aspirin and a box of generic band-aids each year – and Republicans would then brag about how much they’d lowered premiums!

No, Americans of good sense – you absolutely MUST keep up the pressure, both on Republicans to not be so shitty and on Democrats to stay strong. You – we – MUST!


The plan all along was to JUST repeal ObamaCare. This is why GOP hasn’t done shit about fixing any problems with the ACA or come up with an alternate plan for the past 6 years - they don’t see a need for Americans to have health insurance.
To just repeal is actually a perfect alternative for the GOP; all they know is how to tear things down. They don’t know how to govern and unless it’s giving tax breaks or erasing regulations they really got nothin. And Trump is no better; he’s supposed to be such a great negotiator but he’s already trying to fold up his cards and run away from this

I don’t make too many predictions but if they do repeal and not replace they are really going to have a difficult time next election. The ads really rewrite themselves. .


If they do repeal it (now or in six years), they will never get around to replace. Will be perpetually blocked by the Freedom caucus and backed by Ryan. They will also lose both majorities - because the repeal will create even more uncertainty in the markets and the ACA will collapse - by intention that they believe they can blame on Obama.

              But 'Replace’ Can Wait

Sure… because

a car accident …waits –

cancer … waits –

diseases … just wait ----

It’s like waiting for a republican to become ’ human ’ …


The good news is that we discovered your cancer at an early stage with a good chance of successful treatment.

The bad news is we’re not going to treat it until it’s too late.


You have a safe, serviceable bridge. You’d like to replace it. Architects can’t agree on plans for a new one. You go ahead and tear it down, and tell commuters you’ll get around to building the new bridge sometime in the future.

Yeah, sounds like a plan.


Yes, because the uncertainty will stabilize the healthcare and stock markets!


Honey, what makes you think you have any sort of credibility left??

(Criminy, what I wouldn’t give not to have to see that smarmy, smug face again.)


I thinks that’s the key
If their abhorrent plans affect the stock market , that will be the only thing that will stop them.
Because Profit
Lives , not so much


“The only thing that’s changed since their vote in 2015 to repeal Obamacare and now is that you have a Republican president willing to sign that into law,” Conway said. “And you have the failures of Obamacare that much more crisp and obvious in front of you.”

To a certain extent, it’s good for Dems that feral trumpers such as Conway have NO UNDERSTANDING whatsoever of politics.

If the taxes funding the ACA and Medicaid expansion are done away with, then the whole health care infrastructure falls apart now. Not later, NOW.

Just in time for the 2018 midterms. And, as another front page story points out, the Rethugs are getting the blame on the regime fails not the Dems because the Dems are out of the picture. So, all eyes on them.


“We’re going to have insurance for everybody.” —Trump
“We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance.” —Conway

Yeah, we knew you were lying.

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It will be interesting to see Republican members of Congress, who are now covered under Obamacare’s exchanges, vote to be once again eligible for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan once they have stripped a score million Americans of their health care benefits. It could be one more interesting albatross to hang around their necks.


Before it cratered at the end of his term, the stock market was essentially flat under W (after soaring to record heights during the Clinton years). It tripled under Obama. Evidently GOPers don’t care about the stock market. I can only surmise that the really big money people don’t make their money by caring about the ups and downs of the market…


You know, I’ve started to wonder if Rump will simply sign a televised “Executive Order” that says ObamaCare is dead and sell it to his base as the end of the matter. It was signed on tv therefore it is well and truly dead when, in fact, it was just a piece of paper with his signature and means absolutely nothing.

I honestly wonder if we’re that far down the rabbit hole.