No way that was unintentional. Trump’s gonna grab those pussies is what she means:)
Naw… It was a slip of the tongue.
Okay, I’m going away now.
Damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Sounds good to me.
But enough of the pussyfooting around
Trump will show the way.
“…The RNC and us have a wonderful relationship,” she replied, noting that Trump raises money for the GOP, which helps down-ballot candidates.
At which point the interviewer replied "If your campaign is placing a premium on raising funds for the RNC and down-ballot races why is Mike Pence cancelling fundraisers left and right?"
Oh. wait, I guess I didn't hear that blindingly obvious query, that would have been journalism.
So first you have Trump’s wife (or was it daughter?) wearing a pussy bow to the debate, and now they’re talking about pussyfooting around?
Do they not want the Access Hollywood thing to go away?
Where is this woman’s self respect? The orange asshole is clearly an awful human being, who sees women as inferior, yet she is still clinging to this asshole…for what? FOR WHAT??
albesure <---- continues to be baffled by the GOP and Trump campaign’s stupidity, even though he shouldn’t be at this point…but he can’t help it!!!
Conway is just repeating what Palin started.
Painfully obvious
For real dramatic effect she should should have added “Frankly, they’re being a bunch of pussy willows, nothing but a bunch of pussies”.
No because real men get what they want without pussyfooting around. Real leaders grab for the gusto and go. Ah shucks it’s really all publicity is good publicity, and the polls and math be damned!
To think she is being paid (maybe, Trump is a first class welcher) to be a communication expert and she comes up with the one word that should be avoided. Irony is such a wonderful thing to behold.
Trump must pay Kellyanne Conway very well for her to sell her soul this way. Republicans are morally bankrupt and deserve to go down in flames!
Because they couldn’t get donors to attend those fund-raisers.
I suppose…I guess everyone does have a price.
Conway—and Bannon—are being paid by the Mercer family.
Trump has managed to corrupt everyone he comes in contact with and Conway is just another example. He is UNFIT.
Use the word over and over and they think it loses its meaning? Whoa!!
Thank goodness she didn’t say “beat around the bush”.