Discussion: Conway To GOPers: Stop 'Pussyfooting Around' With Trump Support

I cannot believe how media people keep saying what a nice, smart, sweet, devoted woman she is. She is such a Trump machine.

And love it. Now Kellyanne’s new word is Pussyfooting around. Thanks for reminding us! That was a Freudian slip! Now Pussy is identified as being weak again to further piss off the women.

And by the way, folks, do you really think Donald Trump would even socialize with the kind of people who attend his rallies? They wouldn’t get past the doorman. They are not the beautiful people. What suckers to believe in this showman.


Conway was corrupt before she started working for Trump.


Good to see you’ve suited up for the last quarter, you old punster you!


But enough of the pussy-footing

Uh, Kellyanne, pro-tip: It ain’t the pussy-footing that’s the problem.


P is the new R for the Grabbers Of Pussies party


They better be sure - because I can just hear Trump …

“I’m not paying you because you did not do a good enough job… in fact, because I have elevated your visibility and given you publicity, you should be grateful and should pay me … so if you write a book or get a gig in the media I will sue you for a percent of the income.”


What, with my tongue in your… tail?

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OK so anyway, communicationwise I don’t quite see what she’s trying to do by using that particular word. With the polling the way it is the House is in play at this point. Trump is clearly out to destroy the Republicans, Samson-like. And Ryan is a particular target; he doesn’t owe Trump much. If they decide they can hold one more district by disavowing Trump than they can by sticking with him, I don’t know why they wouldn’t. Which adds up to why in the hell is she saying a word that contains within it the bomb that blew a hole in the plane? Why? Don’t ask me.


Don’t be such a shrew.

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The real question for those Republican leaders is how do they help the rest of us put the evil genie of mob violence back in the bottle that Trump opened, given many of them helped open the bottle in the first place. If Trump incites violence in his rallies over the next three weeks and then refuses to accept defeat by claiming the election was rigged against him, what then? At what point is he crying fire in a closed theater and becomes subject to arrest? I hope before the fire is ignited.

Ryan and McConnell and the rest should be standing now up to speak against any threats of violence however subtle from tyrant Donald. Trump did this before the Republican convention and mostly got away with it. He seems certain to do this again. It is bad enough that Trump is encouraging crazed individuals to commit violent acts. Mob violence on a large scale will rip this country apart.

We cannot forgive those Republican leaders, evangelicals, and talk radio hosts who have brought us anywhere near this point in our history. They cannot expunge their complicity, but have they truly forsaken all sense and decency? This clearly is a come to Jesus moment for them if there ever was.



Kellyanne Conway has been suffering from Clinton Derangement Syndrome ever since her husband failed in his effort to kill the Clintons’ politically in 1998 by bringing suit on behalf of Paula Jones.


What is a pussy foot? I thought he grabbed the pussy like scarface, “big pussy just waiting to get F***”? Who puts a foot in a vagina Kellyanne , you soon to be homeless twit? She is trying to make the word less startling to the ear and I will not fall for it. too FRank Luntz.

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Open mouth, insert pussyfoot.


What a slip! Calling Dr. Freud…

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That’s an excellent choice of words, KellyAnne.


Thank goodness she didn’t say “beat around the bush”.

And all that coming and going is tiresome too.

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Her alternative, “stop playing grabass and get out on the field to support Trump” made Trump wince when she ran through some alternatives for him.

  • tangential thought -

with the swirling fecial-force-5 wind storm surrounding Trump since Sunday (debate / war on GOP/ attack Bill)

  • all of the chatter about the GOP trying to launch the lifeboats and replace Trump … has died
    … the days are passing by and what was a bizarre long shot of a “Hail Mary” - is revealed as an impossibility

The GOPers - have no choice -
“Go down with the ship … or swim in the middle of the shark filled ocean without a life jacket”


Nate Silver headline: “Election Update: Women Are Defeating Donald Trump.” Life’s little ironies.