Discussion: Conway Falsely Says 'Congress Has To Act' To End Family Separation Crisis At Border

One of the best opening lines of a story I have read in a long time right from your link to my lying eyes…
"President Donald Trump on Friday added to the astronomic tally of his bizarre brainfarts by saying of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un: “He speaks, and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
(bolding is mine but the rest is pure Rawstory)


Eric Alterman should get off his ass and…

Shout it from the roof tops. Use whatever platform is available. Just do not go meekly away cuz his fee fee’s hurted.


I don’t know if rage is the right word but this angers me unlike any of the other bullshit that we’ve suffered through. For what it’s worth, I still have my state child welfare license. I wish I were in a position to pack up and go volunteer down there. I guess I’ll need to find another way to contribute. Donating money doesn’t feel like it’s enough.


Has the republican controlled congress offered any solutions to the problem? Acted?

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Thanks for those poll numbers. It’s true that most people aren’t buying what he’s selling; but most people also continue to be less obsessed with politics than we are (though even that’s changing some under Trump), and get their info from sources that still feel constrained to be “objective” (by what I think is a bs definition of the word, but nevertheless). So journalists’ learning how to report genuinely accurately without inadvertently lending credence to his endless flood of lies is crucial: for less-politically-involved folks, it can mean the difference between disapproving but not strongly enough to bother to vote and making damn sure they get to the polls because they fully realize what’s at stake.

And if enough journalists can really absorb Lakoff’s advice, they’ll become the kind of reporters who can never again let the right-wing propaganda machine cow/coopt them into the bothsidesism that’s been killing us for decades. I’m not always the biggest Lakoff fan, but this conversation is truly worthwhile, and IMO important.


An emphatic NO!
I am begging posterity to put American Media on it’s final path to self destruction or survival for perpetuating this nightmare on the Republic.

Is Chuck Todd even self aware?
For goodness sake, it’s barely a year that this Vile Madame introduced the public to her “alternative” facts on his show!

The media’s business plan is cynical, diabolic in aiding and abetting this atrocious band of criminals.

Y’all must be watching different media.

I see lots of factual reporting on what is going on. All the stuff that Trump calls fake news.


Comfort camps? Really, how far away from that are we? If this isn’t stopped soon the next outrage will be relavation of wholesale rape and molestation is going on. I hope that feckless c running the DHS is happy being the scapegoat


I would argue that Trump is not mentally ill, but rather severely personality-disordered, which is not a mental illness per se. But that’s a minor quibble.

Truth is, he can say anything he wants and be believed, by his base. They are the only people he listens to, the only people he exposes himself to. He can’t face regular people, because criticism and opprobrium are crushing to him.


just look at those choppers, Ralph.

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And if you break it down, they are less tha 10% of the overall population.



You obviously are!

Please pass over my postings and return to your rosey delusions.

Exactly why we should not bother with them. Don’t argue, don’t try and educate, don’t even say hello to them. These people don’t deserve to be acknowledged. We have a lot to do and we should not waste our time or energy on Trump supporters/Trumpublicans. I don’t care what they think, plan, vote or say. I don’t care if the policies of the hater they voted for make them lose every thing they own. The deserve what they get. End of story.


O I woudn’t want to interrupt the endless agreement with Trump about the media that the left loves to engage in.


On The Media this week ran a story on how Trump’s newsprint tariff on Canada are putting the entire newspaper publishing industry at risk, suggesting at the end that was in fact the whole idea behind the tariff in the first place.


Of course Kellyanne Conway wants immigrant children ripped from their parents’ arms and swept away to a government facility. Otherwise, how else would she find something to snack on before she goes to bed at night?

Oh, and Kathy Griffin gives a big Twitter “FUCK YOU!” to “Melanie” (LOL!) Trump and her tear-streaked phony concern over the children. This woman is fucking fearless!


you’re welcome

Compared to the way the media covered Iraq and WMDs, I think they are doing a much, much better job now.

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Go Kathy! I’m so glad she stood back up.


I forever feel guilty about the “endless agreement.” I always feel like I’m leaving out the sentient, the educated, and the mindful.

My guilt is complete.

And now this …

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