Conway is referring to the President’s personal attorneys. So is she suggesting that she has knowledge of communications between Trump and his attorneys? If so, that is a big problem for Trump. It would suggest that by sharing this information with KellyAnne, he has waived the attorney-client privilege.
I really do believe Trump’s lawyer sent that Tweet.
I frequently write 40-word Tweets posing as someone else by using the pronoun “I” and have that person send my Tweets from their account on Saturday mornings.
And write pled instead of pleaded.
So, Trump has now admitted to the world that people in the White House can send tweets that appear to come from him without his knowledge.
Sssh, let it sink in …
The logic of this is morbidly fascinating. In order to insulate President Trump from his incriminating tweet, they are now telling us that:
A. President Trump’s lawyers and surrogates regularly use his Twitter account to pose as the president of the United States and put out messages in his name;
B. President Trump does not approve messages that are put out in his name.
C. These messages regularly include crude assassinations of character and outright false information and accusations;
D. Again, the president of the United States is not reviewing messages to the public put out in his name.
This kind of dangerous incompetence would get a shift manager at a Staples fired, much less the chief executive of our nation. And that’s the story they’re putting out there to cover for something worse.
We live in very dangerous times.
Why believe KACy !!!
Now they are saying that Donald doesn’t write his own tweets - while sh*tting ?
Is someone else in there with him - KACy ? Deputy Dawg ? the elf?
If it is from Donald’s account - then it is all on Donald…
Wait. This skank is not believable if she says this is 2017. Sad.
I thought she was off dealing with the opioid crisis now.
That’s Kellyanne. Loyal to a fart…errr…fault.
I thought she was off dealing with the opioid crisis now.
clearly testing the goods…
Keep digging, KAC, you’ll look mahvelous in prison orange, once you get past the horrors of withdrawl…
Yes, the notion that Trump is not responsible for the Tweets of his personal attorneys, made using his Twitter account, while in the course of representing Trump is insane.
And further, why would Trump’s lawyer feel compelled to compose and send such a tweet on a Saturday morning?
They’re even allegedly crafting them in his voice, using a first-person perspective. Think about how shitty things are for this lie to be preferable to reality.
I REALLY hope that KAC ends up with an indictment when all is said and done. Her blatant lying and spin is so nauseating. OT, but also this.
Right? What was the motive for this tweet, written in the first person, to be issued by Trump’s lawyer, using Trump’s personal account, on a Saturday morning, in the middle of several other tweets that apparently actually came from the president?
And why didn’t Dowd use his own twitter account?
“I can’t have been at the scene of the crime because I was carjacking Beemers over at the mall then.”