And Kellyanne Conway can’t lie.
Is she saying Dowd tweets without Trump reading and presumably approving the content?
You can take it to the blank.
Oh, well if Kellyanne says it, it has to be true. Situation resolved, nothing to see here, time to move along.
But I will stipulate again that, since everyone from the pig-eyed sack of shit on down has clearly stated that the @realdonaldtrump twitter account is official and represents the so-called president in every word tweeted, the fact that we’re supposed to believe that Dowd wrote the tweet and the press office published it using the first person “I” is a yuge problem.
“The lawyers are the ones that understand how to put those tweets together,”
What do you think the billable hours were for covfefe?
Yeah, this should not be taken as confirmation of anything. It’s simply another emission from one of the secondary anuses. What it means nobody knows, but as usual it damn sure stinks.
And Donald’s tweets are official documents. Usurper, Dowd !
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there’s a pretty good chance that Mueller could (a) pull the IP logs from Twitter (b) confirm the location of Trump’s lawyer when the tweet was sent, and © determine whether it was physically possible for the lawyer to have sent the tweet.
Just another layer of BS to try and further insulate Trump from an obstruction charge.
I would like to see Dowd epxlain this under oath…
I believe the phrase we’re looking for is “cover up”.
What they claim can’t matter legally. It went out under his name and inferentially with his approval and agreement. The Tweeting is Presidential content, no matter how stupid or meaningful.
The idea that we are supposed to believe a flak like Conway or paid legal rep like Down is absurd. People like them lie all of the time for a living.
Yeah, that would lead to some uncomfortable moments for him.
She has never lied to us before…
“I was with the President on Saturday all day, frankly, and I know that what Mr. Dowd says is correct…"
So Conway was with Trump when he tweeted on the crapper?
Next they’ll claim Trump’s culpable tweets were all butt tweets.
A. Conway is clearly lying again.
B. Telling people that Trump’s lawyers are crafting his tweets is terribly insulting to Trump’s lawyers.
I actually checked the time for that tweet, it’s around 6PM, so, in theory, he could be in the oval trailer…
Now there’s an answer that’s going to change when Mueller asks the question.