There’s a school district in New York that secretly tattoos a likeness of Saul Alinsky on the lower back of every 4th grader. Really. It’s true.
Sad to say, your math is off on this. If you take away the two “Senate” electoral votes from each state (and DC, though it doesn’t actually have any senators), Trump, who won in 30 states, would end up with 246 EVs and Clinton, who won in 20 states plus DC, with 190. It would have been closer, but Trump would still have won. The real problem with the Electoral College this time around wasn’t the small-state bonus but the huge effect of Trump scoring narrow wins in several winner-take-all states. My solution: abolish the Electoral College and just count everyone’s votes the same.
Confederacy is too nice - the phrase is Slave States.
Yep - Trump lost the popular vote - bigly, and only getting biglier, as the late-arriving votes get tallied - a point we would do well to keep reminding Trumpeters.
Well, the USA under Trump can do without our tax dollars, too.
That money is now set aside to provide syrup once we’ve reached @austin_dave in the line of succession for the presidency.
Does this possibly prove anything to anyone, beyond the lengths some of his supporters will go to rationalize a 3 million vote deficit? If so that’s a scary thought.
it must be true - I just read it on the internet
OK - So if we take out Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida, then Clinton won the Presidency!
Move over Trump.
If you combine the 14 states where Trump won by the largest margin, their population is 38 million, compared to Californias 39 million; Trump won them by 4.4 million votes, compared to Clinton winning California by 4.3 million; but those states have 81 electoral votes, compared to California’s 55.
VacCinaTion kiDs with AutisM. AnD chemtrails something1!1!!!one!!!
TrUmps got sherpas. Sherpas!
SelF-hating whiTe establishmentarianismistics. LibTards
There’s an old phrase that is actually better in the bowdlerized version than the original: And if your grandmother had roller skates, she’d be a trolley car.
I don’t know, with Trump’s southern base the black prairie dogs may only count for 3/5ths.
I would have done really good if you counted the folks that voted for me, twice…which is kind of what the EC does,
If you don’t count the Electoral College then Hillary won. Jeez!
I’m not sure I give a shit anymore. Cali wants to secede? I’m fucking going there. I’m sick and tired of red state bullshit-I live in Tex-ass.
I can play this game too—if you don’t count the 10 states with the least amount of education, then Hillary’s popular vote increases by over 3 million (9 out of 10 went for Trump).