It’s really fairly simple. Trump clearly won the popular vote if you discount all the people who voted for Clinton. It was a historic landslide!
“My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to telll you I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw California forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.”
If you round up all the Jews before the vote, Trump only needs to nix MA to win the popular vote.
Those taker states would be in dire straits without tax revenue provided by the West Coast, primarily California.
California’s ports serve as a major economic engine for the state and the nation. In 2008, port facilities processed an estimated $500 billion of goods. More than 40 percent of containerized imports enter the country through California ports, and nearly 30 percent of the country’s exports depart through them.
Before you know it they will blame the Common Core. Or kids milk boxes.
If the gas chamber fits.
Karen Edens, the hottest girl in my high school, would have dated me, if only the states of Jeff Taylor and Kenny Thomas were thrown out. So, we had a totally torrid relationship. You know, because it unfairly skewed the results when Jeff and Kenny were included.
I hope you mean “Dacha” not “Dachau”…
Damn. Jerry Brown’s gonna have to get cracking on the wall he said he wants to build, keep out the foreigners and make it strong (h/t/ Paul Simon). I don’t want to let California lose its standing as 6th largest world economy and sure as shit these stoopids would mess with that.
Wow, you have $10k? Can I borrow a couple hundred?
I’m sure those bumperstickers are coming but, in the meantime, our community has jumped on board with these Hate Has No Home Here lawn signs. We’ve ordered 40 for our local community outside of Philly but I’m sure there are organizations growing in other areas who will be procuring these signs.
I’m excited to see my little town proudly displaying this message!
And if you exclude all of the votes for Clinton, she didn’t get any votes!!!1!!1one!!!eleventy!!!
@ralph_vonholst caught this earlier. My mistake but I kinda like it.
And my stepdad was one of the first American soldiers inside Dachau, was a medic left behind by Patton to care for the poor souls imprisoned there.
So yes, I do know Dachau.
Clinton won by over 65 million votes if you don’t count morons.
It’s the vaccinations. People are saying that the true purpose of Obamacare was to vaccinate our children with liberalism.
The good news is that it appears to be working - this next generation coming of age is more progressive than we’ve seen because they are growing up accepting people regardless of race or gender identification. Most importantly, they’re growing up with a whole lot less religion.
And just like all good cows, they’re happy to shit where they eat.
If you threw out all the odd integers, only even integers would remain!
Absolutely. And we’re ready to fight.