Wanna know something funny
While it’s somewhat interesting that the conservatives are finally chasing this narrative, the question that needs to be answered is: why are these people giving ‘oxygen’ to Calexit?
Wanna know something funny
While it’s somewhat interesting that the conservatives are finally chasing this narrative, the question that needs to be answered is: why are these people giving ‘oxygen’ to Calexit?
Taking a look at the list, the correlation is staggering—13 out of the bottom 15 went for Trump as did 18 out of the bottom 20 and 22 of the bottom 25.
Trump hotel panned. One of worlds worst lux hotels.
I wish that they would just enjoy the ride.
By going with that version of the story, Californians could start looking at those seccesion ‘brochures’ again.
First revision to the tax code is going to be the elimination of the state tax deduction, sucks to be you any state that believes in public higher education, rapid transit or any other state service.
actually throw in tax $$ from Minnesota, Illinois and the northeast states and the red states would belly-up.
There’s very little operational difference between the two groups.
By the same logic, if we “nixed” the original Confederate States, the GOP would never win another election.
And if marriage was illegal, only outlaws would have in-laws!
Oh my, that’s gonna leave a mark and generate a tweet storm and quite possibly a lawsuit! How dare anyone consider anything Pepe does less than “the best ever”?
But I love how Compton piled on in response to criticism by further calling out Pepe’s Turnberry in Scotland as another example of how un-luxury the Orange Menace brand is.
So next time another idiot leftie says “but the popular vote doesn’t matter”, that is the answer. It does matter, and the right-wingers know it.
You know who… someone with absolutely no taste and no class.
We have our best researchers looking into it and they’ll produce the proof of one in due time.
Trust me.
No more euphemism please.
Dumb fucks are dumb.
And then who could actually think that the person responsible for this can relate to the working class?
Texas already threatened to secede. Let 'em go retroactively and swear in HRC.
Someone who is terribly insecure, who defines himself by appearances, and who, deep down, knows that he’s a completely worthless person whose own parents sent him away because he was a problem. There is no depth, there are no friends because there is no soul.
But he gets no sympathy because he’s hellbent on destroying anyone and anything that crosses him. A wise person once quipped, “go look for sympathy between shit and syphilis in the dictionary”.
Trump: It gets even better, If you count just the white males(which is what really matters), I got over 100%. I am the Bigly Best. Just ask Putin or even FBI!