Discussion for article #232434
Leave Stretch alone!!! Hasn’t he already suffered enough, what with his $4 million buy-out from NBC?!
The gun nuts misfire again.
They wanted to arrest Gregory for his questioning of the NRA idiots.
They failed. Feel safer now?
Quit your whining NRA. He’s the “good guy with a gun” you keep touting.
Hey, maybe Clint “A chair is just a chair, even when there’s no one sitting there*” Eastwood can make a movie about Gregory and turn him into a hero.
(*H/T: Bacharach/David)
The members of NRA should be arrested for crimes against humanity.
You know what’s even tougher and more macho than owning a gun? Not whining like a crybaby over every little thing.
Just wondering if the Right considers Gregory a member of the “Liberal Media.”
Conservative nutbags make the best victims don’t they.
Yes, the NRA can be counted on totally to support gun laws like this one except for the lawsuits it files against states and municipalities to eviscerate laws like this one.
Yeah, “If I were you…I’d already be in jail”…just ask Cliven Bundy that the thousand or so jackoffs who pointed guns at law enforcement officers.
Look…Gregory did a horrid job as host of the show, but seriously…what’s the issue here?
So magazines like that are not allowed in DC, but did Gregory OWN it himself, did it have bullets in it,
and was there a gun there into which the magazine could have been inserted, because if not, Gregory is in the position of
having a car in the studio with no key. He’s not likely to run anyone over…literally OR figuratively.
The NRA is just trying to score points…sigh…business as usual.
This calls for an anti-abortion bill or a vote to repeal Obamacare!
Does he work for Fox? If yes, then no. If no, then yes.
Its kind of funny that these Righwingers just seem to be noticing that our laws aren’t applied equally. I guess they haven’t been listening to any of the Black voices that have been in the media the last 3 or four months, or the last 40-50 years for that matter…
Prosecutorial discretion’s a bitch.
Getting closer. The correct answer is 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, and now different standards of justice and civility.