A bit Draconian, don’t you think? That kind of rhetoric doesn’t help the cause. Most NRA members are law abiding citizens. Misguided perhaps, but law abiding none the less.
It’s just another example of gun nuts being the biggest whiners and simultaneously the most vindictive creatures on Planet Earth.
Nothing to see here. Just another Judicial Watch / Larry Klayman fundraiser.
Out of curiosity, since whatever law that is has been on the books, have any action sequences for any films or TV shows been filmed in DC? Do they have to film in other locations and matte in landmarks or do they just run around with empty hands in classic gun shapes going “pew-pew!”?
The truly sad thing here is the right wingers don’t understand context or intent. All they know is butthurt.
First Amendment exception. Apparently Constitutional law is far too complicated for the Constitutionalists.
That’s for sure. I mean, just how many people in DC were arrested last year for having an empty clip in their possession, even if it’s a larger capacity than legal? Absolutely none. So Gregory was not treated any different from you or I.
This puzzles me. Aren’t these the very same guys who keep telling us that these sorts of gun laws are unconstitutional? NOW, they want someone arrested for displaying the very thing they’ve been telling jus they have a god-given right to have?
One would hate to think that their sudden new-found belief in enforcing gun control laws is based entirely on the fact that they (erroneously) perceive Gregory to be a Liberal. One would hate to think that.
Geeze, it wasn’t like he had the whole gun.
Why are the NRA nuts in an uproar? Don’t they want EVERYBODY to have guns 'n bullets and magazines to hold 'em?
That’s why they’re pissed off.
I don’t own a gun. Never needed one after I left the military.
So does this mean that if I bought an empty magazine in DC I could be arrested ? Dumbest thing I ever heard in my life. What would I DO with an empty magazine? Even a loaded one?
I guess they’re angry that he didn’t shoot anyone?
They’re angry because he didn’t shoot anyone.
“He’s getting off because he has the best immunity in the world: celebrity,” the blog wrote. “Like you and me only better, indeed.”
Yet you KNOW, they’d be the first ones in line to vote for the broad who said THIS:
‘‘I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw them out.’’ - Sarah Palin
Really. And there was a Bad Guy with a gun right in FRONT of him too.
So this time the NRA comes down in favor of strict enforcement of gun laws. Goofy.
Most are violent freaks.
NRA-assisted Republican gun nut logic: “It’s one little step from regulating assault rifles to…uhh…uhhh…HITLER!!! STALIN!!! POL POT!!!..!!!”
And this was a gabillion months ago and it’s suddenly news now?
There are times when what is old is new again makes sense, but this ain’t it.
Kinda the old “In my own little corner, in my own little chair”
Young folks, it was from the Cinderella tv movie starring Leslie Ann Warren … the version I grew up with.
Edited to include the link:
More whining from the Tiny Penis Club…