Discussion: Conservatives Can't Hide Their Disgust With SCOTUS On Obamacare

Hehe…I’ve been predicting they’d try that before it was even enacted lol. Give it a decade and, in their narrative, healthcare for all will have been all their doing.

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“Now the news is just another show with sex and violence, sex and violence, sex and violence!”

Maybe he’s only in it for the violent sex?

You can bet your ass they will. “It was created by the Heritage Foundation, and though the dastardly Dems tried to stop it we managed to make it the law of the land.”

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The really sad part is half the country would believe them.

Edit: I should say that half of the voting public will believe them, because even more sad is the fact that half the country isn’t even paying any attention to any of it.


Projection- the most important psychological mechanism that the modern reactionary mind uses to make sense of the world.

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Projection- the most important psychological mechanism that the modern reactionary mind uses to make NONsense of the world.

FIFY hehe


I’m disappointed that none of the Republicans equated this Supreme Court decision with the Holocaust. They must be losing their touch.

On the one hand, it’s been satisfying and endlessly entertaining watching all the conservatives spit and sputter in impotent fury; on the other hand, the fact that so many media lackeys have spent the day giving platforms for all these right-wing idiots to keep spouting their lies about the ACA is frustrating – even on NPR, the right-wing liars have out-numbered supporters of the Court’s ruling by about a 10:1 margin all day. Note to the media – the Republican liars LOST. Stop being their mouthpieces.


And to these “conservatives”…


Hey, if you all want to impeach Roberts and/or Kennedy so Obama can pick their replacement, I guess I can go along with that. Just say the word.


Bill Kristol:

“Put not your trust in judges.”

Sounds like CSA President Jefferson Davis’ famous “Put not your trust in princes” speech, right before he abandoned Richmond and went on the lam in the spring of '65.

They caught him soon after, dressed in women’s clothes and trying to sneak across the border into Mexico.

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I’m guessing that she’s taken over the Sarah Palin role of Fox Brunette Hateperson since Sarah has been summarily dismissed.

Her turn to spout the nonsense…

Whoa man! It’s fun making sh!t up, but it can have some bad consequences:

And the pages have very specific specs with loads of white space. If you and I had written using a common set of HS term paper specs would have been more like 500 pages.

Actually, I think that Andrea fits right in with his world view. Kudos to “swirlystar”:

Ted Just Admit It…


These damned right-wing-nuts CANNOT accept that they are wrong . . . again. Whining & pouting. In fact, the laws of construction used by the Court, when construing legislation, include attempting to salvage statutes where possible. The crux of the right-wing argument is so stilted, those maroons cannot see the forest for the trees. You didn’t hear these folks complaining when the Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, in an ultra-right-wing-nut attack on equality: we have all seen the results of that great decision. Or how about*Citizens United" - haven’t heard tham kvetch about that one, either. Good grief: it saved those fools from actually having to legislate, had the decision gone their way! A lose-lose proposition for those asshats

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Oh I have been having SO much fun on Facebook today, especially on Scott Walker’s page.

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… and not a day too soon.

That sound isn’t pop corn. It’s republican heads exploding.

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