Discussion for article #237863
This makes me even happier.
These quotes remind me of the scene in “Kingsman: The Secret Service” where the heads of various villains explode in a rainbow of colors. It must be horrible to be a conservative today.
RightWing hysteria in the morning…
smells like victory!
Suddenly this Andrea Tantaros asshole is everywhere. I guess she finally found her voice. Proof that FoxNews is simply a hydra of hate and stupidity.
more pls
This is kind of similar to a problem I have, in that I have trouble hiding my disgust for paranoid lunatic right-wingers.
No more schadenfruede for me, I can’t take another bite!
OK, maybe one more helping.
I love watching healthy, young, well-paid TV commentators blowing a gut because people less fortunate than themselves will continue to get health care.
TANTAROS What a vile evil bitch . Same with the rest of them .
We are so disappointed we couldn’t have mayhem, death and economic ruin for people based on a technicality of the wording.
Besides they have such a comprehensive plan to replace the Republican designed ACA with er…um… er…
I find it amusing that the opponents chide the ACA for being 2,500 pages (it’s only about 900) and then say basically the the law is actually only four words.
From Tantaros’ current Wikipedia page:
Tantaros pursued, but did not complete, graduate studies at the Sorbonne. Tantaros lives in New York City. She is also a dude.
Gotta loves me some hot Wiki edit fun!
Oh, yum! Their tears are delicious!
Some of the tea partiers attacking Roberts are claiming that Obama somehow blackmailed Roberts into supporting the law because of something to do with Roberts adopting children. They all seem to not know that Justice Kennedy voted with Roberts. It was a 6-3 ruling. I wonder how they think Obama blackmailed Kennedy as well as Roberts. Maybe Kennedy woke up one morning and found a horse’s head in his bed?
Conservatives Can’t Hide Their Disgust
When have they ever? About anything?
Although I never saw it argued by the government, one of the first “rules” of statutory construction (STOP RIGHT THERE…in law this meaning of the word “construction” is how statute were assembled or put together by using using extraneous arguments when the legislature was creating the law and how the various provision of the law fit together WITH THE EMPHASIS ON FINDING A MEANING THAT UPHOLDS THE LAW). The good Justice Scalia ought to go practice what he constantly preaches…namely using "traditional law to reach a legal conclusion (I’m trying to remember how thee book in Law School wrote it. C’mon guys…I’ve been out of Law School for almost 40 years). This decision spells out as plainly as it possibly can that Scalia, Thomas and Alito abuse their positions by using the Court, not as a means of proper meaning of the law, but simply for purely partisan gains.
Conservatives Can’t Hide Their Disgust With SCOTUS On Obamacare
I’m always surprised at how tears so bitter can taste sooo sweet.
Rand Paul agrees with Scalia that “words have no meaning.” Yes, much like the phrase “board certified doctor.”
They think Kennedy doesn’t need blackmailing because, to their minds, he’s a crypto-gay who supports same-sex marriage and getting rid of sodomy laws.
By now I’ve read enough of these reactions (including Scalia’s dissent) that I am forced to contemplate the unthinkable: these people actually took the Burwell challenge seriously??!! They really believed that a minor ambiguity of drafting in one sentence should have been enough on its merits to overturn the whole law? Until now I’d assumed that they were all snickering behind their hands, like College Republican ratfuckers watching an epic piece of trolling unfold, but now it looks as though they ended up believing their own ridiculous arguments.
And so, not for the first time, Republican tactics make the GOP hive-mind stupider.