Discussion: Conservatives Can't Hide Their Disgust With SCOTUS On Obamacare

It’s amazing me what they seem to really believe. I used to think it was all a put-on to fool some rubes into voting against their best interest, but more and more I’m realizing that a lot of these folks believe most of this crap.

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What we now know is that the GOP is a party of whiners.

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“Now leaders must turn our attention to making the case that ObamaCare must be replaced.” – Chris Christie

Hahaha… good stuff, Guvna! They’ve only been making that case for six years. Unfortunately they’ve yet to come up with a replacement plan in all that time, so it’s not going to be an easy task.


The conservatives braying their disgust in purely emotional and defamatory terms, lacking in any legal reasoning or logic, puts their pathetic self-righteousness and contempt for our system of government on full display.

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It’s wah-fer thin…


There is nothing in the least conservative about creating chaos, which is what a decision these people want would do. They are therefore, NOT CONSERVATIVES.


Andrea Tantaros

Andrea Tantaros filmed with color filter.


Now that the Supreme Court has again ruled the Affordable Care Act is OK, I see only one possible course of action for the Republicans:

Take credit for it.

Edit: If they don’t, they’re really going to come to regret having derided the ACA as “Obamacare.” After all, Republicans are probably grateful that we don’t refer to Social Security as “Roosevelt Retirement.”

This could haunt them for decades to come. Good.


Hey Scalia should be happy. Roberts use Scalia’s textual philosophy to uphold the statute.


Had to look for myself and came away disappointed in Dave Navarro.


And you’re female to be able to “motivate the base” :wink:

yes in the media would go right along with it. Pointing out the connection with Heritage from the 90s.

Just wait. When the SCOTUS comes out and declares that gays have a constitutional right to be married, combined with this ruling AND everyone calling for the Confederate flag to come down, the republican apocalypse will have arrived.


And did we mention the ACA was a Republican plan to begin with generated by a Republican think tank in response to Hillary care in 1994. .They have been lying so long they can’t keep track of the arguments anymore


Love it

It actually goes back to Nixon. The Nixon version of Obamacare put the mandate on employers and not the individual!!!

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That’s why you just have to love Huckabee’s response right now. The SCOTUS rewrote the law and circumventing Congress by NOT rewriting the law and letting what Congress did stand. The cognitive dissonance required to make that statement makes MY head hurt…I hate to think what it does to his.


Imagine what happens when SCOTUS clears the way for gay marriage nationally…


My last memory of this outrage was that of a woman (probably in a Red State) being interviewed and asked why she did not boycott Hobby Lobby, given its hand in limiting healthcare for women.

Her answer is not to be repeated here, but the metaphor reminded me of what Merton identified at “Ritualism”:

Presumption of a placement higher in the socioecononic ladder than actually exists.

I knew conservatives would want to start calling it something other than Obamacare, now that it’s obvious the law works and is here to stay.