Discussion: Conservative Radio Host Who Threatened To Shoot Hillary Clinton Is Spokesman For Oregon Militia

I disagree. The only ending that doesn’t make things worse in the long run is one where they are made to look utterly ridiculous, a “whimper, not a bang” ending where they voluntarily walk into the paddy wagons because they desperately need food or, optimally, Kaopectate, lots and lots of Kaopectate.

The one critical lesson of the Civil War that these idiots have correctly grasped that seems to elude many on the left calling for a crackdown comparable to Ferguson is that nothing causes conservatives to set aside any qualms about the morality and propriety of the means employed by the “hotheads” among those with whom they are ideologically aligned and “pick a side” like an act of violence. And it doesn’t matter who starts shooting. The point, rather, is that shooting has started and “you’re either with us or you’re against us.”

John Brown didn’t set off a slave rebellion or widespread agitation for a forcible end to slavery in the north, because that’s not how most liberals think. But it did have the effect of stamping out every last inclination toward compromise and Unionist sentiment among white southerners and caused a descent into the kind of “‘compromise’ means we get everything we want and, in return, we don’t kill the hostage” mentality that marks the modern right today.

Lincoln’s election led to the secession of seven deep South states and the formation of a CSA that was not, in the long run, viable as a national entity. It took an act of violence to cause the “moderate” southern states to set aside their qualms and pick a side. The provisional Confederate government, and South Carolina in particular, fired on Sumter with malice aforethought for the specific purpose of forcing the other southern states to “pick a side.”

That’s the game these idiots are playing: they want to provoke an act of violence that they think will make those who agree with their ideology, but not their actions, to set aside any qualms they have about the means being employed and pick a side. And pick a side they will. Oh how they will.

The only way to win this game is to make them look ridiculous. There must be consequences, but they must, above all, be made to look ridiculous.


“They’re here to enforce the supreme law of the land, which is the U.S. Constitution,”

Article Four, section 3, clause 2 of the United States Constitution. “Federal lands are lands in the United States for which ownership is claimed by the U.S. federal government.”



They should be treated the same way ANY terrorists should be treated; you contain them, you wait them out, then you arrest and charge and sentence them.

You DON’T do the George Duhhhbya bUsh invasion route a la wholesale slaughter.

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Great analysis. As always. Thanks, Steve.

Jeez, another effin’ constitutional scholar with a GED.

Agreed. Though I’m still hoping the surrender comes because lack of water and/or food leads of an outbreak of gastroenteritis, just to maximize the ridiculousness factor. No ethical way to make that happen, but one can hope.


what he’s really doing there…HEY LOOK AT ME…Im here too pay attention to me I’m trying to be important too …

If it goes two weeks, the Feds will have to airlift in a pallet of Twinkies as a humanitarian gesture.

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Now if they were hippies, they could just huddle together for warmth on those cold nights. But I’m guessing homophobia in this group will preclude that strategy.


Great students of O’Leilly’s and David Barton’s Christo-fascist versions of history.

My vote is 2 days after the beer runs out. Whenever that is.


The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.


I bet a large percent of them couldn’t even quote that even if they were reading it from their tattoo.

There is a good 10% (my estimate) of citizens who believe the made up bullshit Santilli, Jones and the rest of the extreme right wing nuts expouse to keep them on the air. Just like the scofflaw TV evangelists. They scream “the government is coming” and those as loonie as they believe it. Even those who have their own “militias” elsewhere are telling them they are wrong. The Feds screwed up letting that goober Bundy spit in their face. Had they enforced the law, chances are this wouldn’t be happening. If these guys are as badass as they think, the Army and Marines could use some grunts.

I think the Unabomber could take out the whole bunch, if we gave him a few days.

To be fair, its really hard to read your own tramp-stamp.

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Yea most probably have a hard time reading in general and because of that probably have misspelled tattoos.

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