Discussion: Congressman: The Shutdown Is A Diversion From Harvesting 'Babies' Organs' (AUDIO)

Discussion for article #240883

Now that Snott Walker is out of the glowing lights it is time for Wisconsin’s other major mistake to wave his arms to see if he can get attention again.


Dead-ender says what?


There are many things that are horrible about this situation; perhaps the most egregious will be that some people will really believe that democrats support killing babies for their organs, and their fear, hate and anger will just escalate. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t true, an elected US Senator said it, and some small fraction will think it true.

All that does is divide, and foster more hate for “liberals”, which I suppose at the end of the day is what these reprehensible excuses for human beings want. Hate for liberals, for minorities, for gays, for women; because that is all the GOP has at the end of the day. How sad for them. How sad for us that we can’t communicate the truth.


The Republicans’ fanatical focus on Planned Parenthood, fabricated propaganda videos about abortion, killing the ACA, government shutdown, etc., etc., etc. are nothing more than efforts to distract from the fact that for seven years they have refused to do their job and govern.

If and when Repugs start seriously dealing with climate change, job creation, infrastructure rehab, education improvement, Middle East instability, and much, much more, I might start to take them seriously. But I won’t hold my breath.


" “We need to focus on the harvesting of little babies’ organs,” Johnson said."

You’re a sick motherfucker, Johnson


…But if we’re diverted by the government shutdown then we know who wins that," Johnson said. “The Democrats, you know quite honestly outside…”

“The media wins it,” host McKenna interjected.

“Yeah, the media wins it,” Johnson said. “Which is why they love promoting it.”

But if that’s true and not the desired outcome, why pursue it?

Your colleague, Senator Cruz, earlier today said if we don’t like something, we should take it to the ballot box. So why not vote on the resolution that McConnell is giving you. When you lose, you can point to the fact that you voted on it.

Don’t be stupid enough to give the media or your opposition more ammunition to use against you.


which I suppose at the end of the day is what these reprehensible excuses for human beings want.

Which is how I came by the moniker House of Reprehensibles for these fools. It fits.


One thing about Ron Johnson: he isn’t very bright. Go back to his Senate campaign and he’s unable to articulate any reason why he should be Senator. Sadly, it worked in the Republican-friendly environment that year, and we lost Russ Feingold and got this prick.

I bring this up since I’ve always got the impression that someone was pulling the strings with Johnson, due to his inability to really say much worthwhile. It’s not like Walker, who was a political hack whose sympathies lay in the same area as the Koch brothers and so he jumped in bed with them. It’s more like Cheney and friends manipulating Junior, but even more sinister. To be blunt, I’m saying that someone has told Johnson to start talking about “little babies’ organs” (as opposed to big babies’ organs, I suppose, like Scott Walker’s weenie or something) and, like a good puppet, he spouts it.

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That’s right, Ron! That dirty. liberal media hypnotized the Teabaggers into shutting down the government! They’d NEVER do that otherwise!


And this drunkard looking of a mess is a damn U. S. Senator?

The opposite of “pro” is “con,” so the opposite of “progress” is “Congress.”


Could the reason he can’t describe the video in better words or more detail just might be the fact that it does’t exist? Beating a dead horse isn’t going to make it get up and gallop away. But at least you have to give to the Republicans that they are good at tilting at windmills.


Yeah. Go figure.

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J is considered to be one of the dimmest bulbs in the senate.

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One fake scandal/controversy switched for another fake scandal/controversy… what’s new…just more same-o, same-o.


Knew that when he wanted to school Tammy…failed then, failed now.


The Wisconsinites MUST throw him overboard. He is not representing their best interests. Shutting down our federal government is no laughing matter and these silly asses impose it at will and without ever winning their cause. And to think, they don’t give a damn about that and proceed to do it anyway is the most hateful and resentful act towards the PEOPLE!

This drunken looking albino ape is so full of his stinky self that he can no longer contain any sense of caring for his constituents at all. He and his party prefer to shut off needed services to the public simply because that’s what they prefer to do! What a damn shame. We can do better than this! We must do better than this!


If the Republicans had any concern about organs rather than just wanting to shut down planned parenthood they would be going after the researchers who are using them. But medical research is still popular and supported by the general public and often done in their home state universities.


Should you feel yourself starting to weaken and “take them seriously” just sit down and write down the names of the Republican wanna-bes for POTUS of the last few presidential elections. Then the Democrats.