Discussion: Congressman: The Shutdown Is A Diversion From Harvesting 'Babies' Organs' (AUDIO)

No ass-wipe, the edited PP videos are a diversion from you doing your G.D. jobs,


It’s a shame the majority party is such a hostage to the media and the Democrats who keep forcing them to vote for unpopular things. If only they could think of some way not to vote to shutdown the government – but alas, Obama, Planned-Parenthood, the Easter Bunny and CNN force them, time and again to commit stupid and evil acts against their will. Pobrecitos.


Which one sound the dumbest Vikki McKenna or Ron Johnson, in that interview?

Ron is talking about getting the videos out there for public to see them, but he doesn’t produce the evidence. Since the original interview, two (2) days has past and still there is no proof the videos exist. So why not reveal it? Surely you’re not protecting anyone at Planned Parenthood…no that cannot be the case…Cause if these truly gruesome videos exist and if the act was committed by a Planned Parenthood facility, why not show it?!


Wake up Wisconsin. How you can put Drop-Out Walker and this turd in office is beyond me. You all are better than that.


Ron Johnson is a diversion from honesty, integrity and statesmanship. Provide the videos immediately otherwise you are a lying sack of shit spreading the stench of ignorance whenever you open your mouth!

Why the fuck isn’t anyone in the MSM demanding to see the videos? Call these bastards out on national television! Carly, Ron…provide the damned videos or you and your harpies are lying through your teeth. What is it, liar or video. The country is waiting for your reply.



Good people of Wisconsin, please step up to the plate. Send Sen. Johnson packing up to go back home. He’s done a horrible job of representing the hard-working, middle-of-the-road Wisconsinites (and in the Senate, all Senators actually collectively represent all of us – and I believe he pretty much sucks canal water).

Thank you.

BeattyCat a Progressive from Virginia

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How does this monkey rapist keep saying dumber and dumber things? There has to be a limit, doesn’t there?

One would think. I know that I used to believe there was some sort of limit … then the nation elected Barack Obama to the White House and all hell on the conservative side broke loose. There seem to be no limits with them anymore.


For Republicans, isn’t a ‘fully formed fetus’ supposed to be a child? Strange use of terminology by Ms. Fiorina.

They’re probably trying to come up with–what seems to them–a plausible way of producing said footage and then somehow edit–oh, gee, again–that scene into the originally heavily-edited tin of sugar-coated dingleberries that they’ve been swearing on a stack of the latest Kim Davis Version of “The Whorey Bible” is the real deal.

The whole thing would be hilarious but for the likes of “moderate” Sen. Johnson attempting to give the hit-piece some sort of cover.


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told a conservative radio show on Tuesday that a government shutdown would be a “diversion from the main problem, which is the harvesting of little babies’ organs.”

Perhaps someone should take the time to inform the Senator that no such thing is taking place.


It’s Black Magic. I’m very good.

“We need to focus on the harvesting of little babies’ organs”

Had this sentence been uttered by a Democrat, it would appear in every ad for their opponent that ran between now and election day.

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Tammy can snap Zs around this effer.

A blog was started in 2012 titled “Our Dumb Senator,” but looks like little activity there the past year. I hope his campaign against Russ Feingold will generate more goodies as well as a Feingold victory.

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And there’s a commie under every bed!

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Johnson and the Republicans have no problem promulgating information about Planned Parenthood that they know is not only false, but was created by one of their minions.

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Like George Carlin’s character Biff Barf said, “I call it as I see it. If I don’t see it, I make it up!”


Good thinking. Let’s foil their plan by keeping the government going.

Largely because the ones who relay the information (the media) love the hate. Especially if it is aimed squarely at Democrats and particularly President Obama. Heck, in 2012 CNN sponsored the Tea Party hate-fest debates. And when a Congressman such as this one or Jim Demint or whoever, spews more hate and ignorance, the media never confronts it. They play the false equivalency game, thereby given the hate some sort of perverse credibility.

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