Discussion: Congress Screams About Border Crisis, Does Nothing About It

Discussion for article #225449

I see n reason for the President to bail out the ultimate Do Nothing Congress and the worst and most incompetent and unqualified Speaker in our History. Do your job, Mr. Speaker, bring theimmigration reform bill to the floor. I hate these craven politicians.


Boehner is hardly in a position to give ultimata to the President, or to anyone else for that matter.


So now both parties are learning to negotiate from those in the Middle East? Screw it, I’m leaving. I don’t recognize this place anymore.


“Frankly, it is difficult to see how we can make progress on this issue without strong, public support from the White House for much-needed reforms, including changes to the 2008 law,”

Well, yeah…especially considering that any changes to a law are entirely up to Congress to do, not the White House.


Well, after all, how much can it really cost to set up a death camp to deal with these little gang banging disease ridden thugs? I mean, they’re kids of small people. How much gas can it really take to put them down? And fortunately, the abundant gas provided by our tracking boom means we can run the crematoria on the cheap. It’s a win win for everyone, really. Call Obama and tell him to make House Democrats get out of the way of Common Sense Solutions to this problem.


NCSteve, as much as I normally appreciate your posts, and even though it’s obviously sarcasm…this is just not something to joke about, imo.

This comment doesn’t make much sense. I’d ask you to clarify, but I assume you are already out the door. I hope it didn’t smack you in the ass.


Let’s see if I have this right. “If you don’t do what we want we won’t give you the money to address this crisis.”
Strange way to deal with a humanitarian crisis but I guess that’s how the Republicans roll.


Hold on. If the 1 percent and corporations aren’t paying taxes, where is any of this money coming from - the Monopoly Game?


So it is the political equivalent of “if you don’t legally allow child smuggling and trafficking, we will shoot kids in the head”…?



Or what, you’ll sue him?


Do you think I’m joking? Listen to how they’re talking about these kids. It is unabashed eliminationist rhetoric. They are carrying disease here. They are criminals. They are thugs. They are invaders, undermining our American way of life and we need to send the military to gun them down. It’s wrong for them to call 911 if they’re dying. Obama invited them here to destroy us from within.

The rightwing noise machine has been engaging in exactly the kind of rhetoric Goebbels used to groom Germans for the Holocaust ever since they noticed a thing that had been going on a long time and decided to use it as this year’s basis for what is increasingly looking like a tradition of whipping up a pre-midterm racist outrage orgy. And the on the fringe sites–Alex Jones, Townhall, RedState–that ultimately set the GOP agenda, they have moved beyond Goebbels and straight into Streicher territory.

And still our MSM’ers report on it all as if we’re having a minor dispute about the best way to fill potholes. Read the virulent stuff spewing out of the right winger comments even on mainstream media news sites and tell me it’s not cricket to call them out on it.


There are many thousands of American families who are desperate to adopt children. Many of the countries that once served as sources of overseas adoptions are no longer doing so. Russia cut off adoptions over US sanctions, Korea is now a prosperous nation with no need to send babies overseas. Guatemala has set all kinds of roadblocks in place (an acquaintance of mine and his wife spent years before they finally were able to adopt a child there). Why not match those families with these kids in need of refuge?


Maybe we could just send all the kids, all expenses paid, on a one-way trip to Malaysia (although probably not on an actual Malaysian Airlines plane!) where they could work as sex slaves in Sheldon Adelson’s casinos where fine, upstanding, overpaid, respected American pedophiles like Rush Limbaugh could support them by buying their services.

You know - making lemonade [or something]. Just a thought.


[quote=“Renatastar, post:2, topic:7378, full:true”]
I see n reason for the President to bail out the ultimate Do Nothing Congress and the worst and most incompetent and unqualified Speaker in our History. Do your job, Mr. Speaker, bring theimmigration reform bill to the floor. I hate these craven politicians.
[/quote] This actually is NOT an immigration issue although it’s often spoken as if it is.

It’s about a LEGAL escape from violence in their home countries (much of which is US funded by the War on Drugs!) where the kids are asking for asylum and protection.


The next time there’s a national disaster in a Red state, follow suit, hold Federal funds until we get something in return.


It is a humanitarian effort not an immigration issue. These kids are fleeing their homeland for the safety of the U.S., just as MANY others have done before. It is our duty to help these children.


The Prez should publicly refuse the ultimatum and say that it is now the Republicans problem since they refused to fund the problem.


I don’t see how Obama is threatened by this. He asked for the funds because otherwise the children will be dealt with at a slower pace than the GOP wants, and will be provided for as per the 2008 law. Besides Obama doesn’t make law, Congress does.