Discussion: Colorado's GOP Senate Hope Takes Heat From Right For Personhood Flip-Flop, But Does It Matter?

Discussion for article #225858

In the end the voters angry with Gardner will hold their noses and vote for him. To do otherwise would be unthinkable. They simply can’t not vote for him.


Even when ® pols overtly grift the ®ubes–
in merely asking for their votes–
then rubbing their noses in in it–
the ÂŽubes are willfully blind to the entire grift machinery.



Twas ever thus. This was always going to be a close one. The key is going to be who’s so locked into the personhood argument that they either stay home or vote for a write-in candidate. (No way they vote for Udall. Like other elections in this country, Obama’s on the ballot whether his name is there or not.)


One of the following things is true about Gardner:

  1. He’s done a 180 on the issue, because he’s reconsidered the facts.

  2. He’s playing dumb in order to attract middle-of-the-road voters, only to govern like a right-wing hack, if elected.

  3. He has no core beliefs and will change his mind any time it’s politically expedient.


Man, I wish Democrats were impervious to any political impediments instead of being utterly ruined by even the slightest setback.

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Conman Cory, is just that…he will say and do anything to get elected, then, like the rest of the gop/baggers will do the corporate bidding…Gardner thinks he is fooling the rubes, well, some of them anyways, but we know this guy, and even tho the polls are close, Udall has a lead with the indie group…Abel Tapia will replace Scott Tipton as well…the Baggers in Colorado will sputter and fume but in the end I am confident the Dems will prevail…


The fundamental takeaway here appears to be that the Republican candidate is lying to get votes. Well, yeah… it’s what they do.


Or they will stay home. I hope they do.

  • An abortion can only occur when a pregnancy is underway.
  • Pregnancies happen when a fertilized ovum successfully plants itself into the uterine wall.

To those who claim that a pregnancy occurs at the point of zygote formation and not implantation: Is the Petri dish pregnant once the doctor succeeds in getting the spermatozoon and ovum to mate?


“Republicans are so thirsty for victory they’re ready to drink saltwater…”

According to wikipedia:

"Drinking seawater temporarily increases blood’s NaCl concentration. This signals the kidney to excrete sodium, but seawater’s sodium concentration is above the kidney’s maximum concentrating ability. Eventually the blood’s sodium concentration rises to toxic levels, removing water from cells and interfering with nerve conduction, ultimately producing fatal seizure and heart arrhythmia."


This would not be an issue if men got pregnant.


It’d be nice if conservative Republicans thought central American children, the poor, prisoners, ebola victims and gay men and women were people, too.


they’re ready to drink saltwater

Salt seems to be their Lot…


Awwww…poor Cory (always termed “the rising star in the GOP”)…outside of his rabid base with money to burn in Douglas County, average Colorodans can’t …won’t bring themselves to vote for such a phony poseur.Quite a dilemma for him…endorse reasonable policies and be called out as a manipulative shallow dolt turning on his conservative principals or go further right and be shunned by anyone with a brain.


I know not one person who would take cory’s position on ‘personhood’ and to privatize Social Security and Medicare but I know many republicans who think he is a flip flopper not to be trusted. The level of disgust is palpable around Gardner candidacy.

This will be close but Udall will pull it out…He is better on the ground and has been a stanch champion for the people of Colorado and integrity!! With Gardner there is no there there.


I can’t believe this race is that close. Gardner is a right wing wacko. He is dangerous for Colorado.


Geeeze, guys…it’s terrible what that traitorous fiend Gardner did to you.

I think you guys should teach him a lesson and stay home on election day, or vote for the Libertarian candidate – or even better, write in Tom Tancredo!

I mean this sincerely.


Flip flopper? is that the best udall’s got. I hope not

B! I think it’s B!

(or #2)