Well, duh. It’s all dependent on whether he is even still in office then.
But, saying that, it was a stupid question from Jackson.
President of what? Ecuador?
Or maybe you Republicans will just continue to be “concerned” or “disturbed” instead of saying a racist should not be the head of this party .
A better question
“When will Republicans develop a spine and put country before party”
I was hoping she learned that taking a hard, but difficult stance can pay off (after getting standing ovations in the Bangor airport after her no vote on gutting the ACA) but this is Susan Collins we are talking about - she caves like most ‘moderate’ Republicans do all the time.
“At what point, though, given what we’ve heard from your Republican colleagues too, does that talk turn into action?” Hallie Jackson asked. “At what point, if any, do you not support, for example, his renomination?”
Glad to hear a journalist ask this. Ask them all, every single day.
"he’s already running for reelection,”
That was not a political decision, it was Grifter Economics 101. Raise millions from rubes, hold campaign events in DT branded hotels at 2-3 times the going rate, pocket the profit, repeat.
Not holding my breath but hope so too. That could actually make a diffference in Senate calculus.
It’s too difficult just to say “Trump”. Period…
Oh dear
Agreed on both counts.
The actual point of interest, is that she is even having this conversation. Its based upon the premise that the sitting President will be primaried…and she completely accepts that premise as valid.
Three 3 years out? That’s pretty astounding.
In fairness, there is little to no upside for her in taking that sort of stance on this question. She isn’t going to be running for President, her eyes on set upon being Governor of Maine.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) on Monday said it’s too hard to tell whether President Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee in the 2020 election.
Campaigning from a federal penitentiary would be a logistical nightmare.
@bkmn @bankerpup Very stupid question, meant to elicit a “gotcha”, and then used as a “Susan Collins says” moment. We who follow pols know what they do best is equivocate and tiptoe around the question.
I can see it now. A black and white striped hat reading MIGA
Hopefully he’s running for president of the going-to-die-in-prison support group by then.
Both she and Katy Tur are apparently of the opinion that any question, no matter how idiotic, that is difficult to answer is a really good one and smart journalism. I absolutely loathe those two.
C’mon Susan, you can say it. “No chance in hell!”
Given that it’s Collins, this is the best we can hope for. I’m more interested in what she does, not what she says.
[less than 3 hours until the eclipse–c’mon skies, stay sunny]
Exactly! That’s why I like to remind people we’re just seven months into a new Republican presidency after eight years of a Democratic one. The fact that any Republican is speaking out against him, that they’re voting down his legislation, the fact that she accepted the premise of the question is amazing. The funny part, Davey, is that she very well may have meant that it’s difficult to say whether he’ll even be president in four years.
He could always start a line of luxury prisons…