Discussion: Collins Sends Much-Anticipated Letter To Barr Protesting DOJ's O'Care Lawsuit Stance

“Rather than seeking to have the courts invalidate the ACA, the proper route for the Administration to pursue would be to propose changes to the ACA or to once again seek its repeal,” Collins said in a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr Monday. “The Administration should not attempt to use the courts to bypass Congress.”

  1. Pelosi

  2. Roberts

Collins never forced ‘Cecil’ to do his job, but by all means, let’s see if the Republican held Senate can finally get the job done.


Sternly written on dissolving rice paper with invisible ink, and mailed with no postage stamp?


She’s so awful and disingenuous. This is exactly what everybody challenged her on during the AHCA, and of course she played it off as “well nobody would act in such bad faith”. And here we are, with yet another horrific attempt to put people at risk, and some surely, to death if pre-existing condition and/or ACA is repealed.

Discouraging that this continued effort at destruction of something so important, to so many, never seems to end.

I’m amazed that the pressure on her for her previous stance, and what she’ll do now, hasn’t come cranked up much more dramatically.



Now you’ve done it! You’ve made her send a STRONGLY worded letter expressing her CONCERN! The pillars of heaven are shaking now!


Ohhhhhh. A sternly worded letter from phony moderate Collins. Scary!!!


Strongly worded letter to follow. Very impressive. Oy.


A three-way simulpost!


Are we good or what?


Face it Suzie, Trump and Barr just aren’t that into you. It’s time to move on.

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I find Collins even more disgusting than the Republicans who admit they want to cancel everyone’s health coverage. Collins does the same thing with her actions and then denies it in these meaningless statements like a coward. She votes for every Trump judge and every Trump nominee behind the attacks on Obamacare, just as she did with the abortion issue. It is actions, not rhetoric, that count. Collins should be consider an anti-choice, anti-Obamacare standard Republican on these policies.


Susan Collins writes some strongish sounding words on a letter dated April Fools Day.

Sounds about right and as ominous to the administration as the other times when she has said (and then voted with the admin) strongish words.


Switzerland has an “individual mandate”, too. It says you have to have healthcare, and you get it through an insurer. It is called “mandatory health insurance” or MHI. If you don’t have money, the government pays for it. Everybody is required to be covered.

The introduction of the new Federal Health Insurance Law in 1996 had three main objectives: 1) to strengthen equality by introducing universal coverage and subsidies for low-income households; 2) to expand the benefit basket and ensure high standards of health services; and 3) to contain the growing costs of the health system.

Collins is full of prunes. The GOP is the party of structural theft, and cardio-challenged Barr really doesn’t care about more than the current system’s ability to deliver fast and clean walletectomies.


Send this harpy packing. She’s horrible and voters in Maine need to take a long hard look at how in the hell they elected her and the former heinous governor (LePage). Maine voters should be saying. "We’re mutants. There’s something wrong with us; something very, very wrong with us (spoken in the voice of Bill Murray in STRIPES).

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Hmmm, in said letter does she mention her ENTHUSIASTIC VOTES to kill Obamacare in the Senate?

No? How odd!

Why, you would think she was reacting to a far-far-reich-winger-Trump-fluffer starting a primary challenge to her or something!


I prefer this one, to be worn by Democrats;


You kids and your “strongly worded letters” snarks, you’re so silly.

What was REALLY, ACTUALLY, TRULY important was whether her brow was furrowed, and whether it was furrowed “somewhat” or did it go all the way to “ever so deeply.”

I love Maine, will probably retire there, but Portland and downstate is not like the rest of the state. If the wilderness were more like Portland (politically/ideologically), Collins would have been gone awhile ago, I think. I hope.


Actually, the “G” stands for “Grifting.”

Those traitorous mofos are NOT governing.


I am deeply concerned about her profound disagreement.

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