How many of those troubled repubs will vote to override a veto of the resolution? And I don’t believe tRump’s approach to the matter is relatively laissez-faire (he wouldn’t know the meaning of the term) - but instead is clueless contempt. He doesn’t give a damn about the constitution, the country, or even the republikkkan party if they show a spine and oppose any of his dictatorial policies.
I might believe Collins after she votes against tRump… until then fuck her.
She’s just hoping more vote against it so she can as well.
This will be a meaningless vote. When all is said and done, the resolution will pass the Senate with about 60 votes. But after the Trump veto it will fail to get 2/3 of the House. So the GOP members who feel that they need to vote for the resolution can do so with the knowledge that nothing will come of it.
“…and whip out his first veto.”
Rather unsavory selection of words. Does the veto have a mushroom-shaped head?
Please go away, you old tired deflated birthday balloon. When you lose in 2020 we will be so very happy, you insidious, media-moderate clown.
The only repercussion for those r’s standing in opposition to the abomination’s dictatorial powers will be possible primary challenges from the fascist reichwing. They’ve already threatened it with Tillis.
Of course he is, a veto is a power trip.
I don’t know why, I just can’t put my finger on it, but I don’t trust her.
There goes Suzy Sunshine again, always with her finger on the pulse of her party. SMH. Gawd, she’s a waste of a Senator, even when she says the right things. She’s never one you can count on since everything she says is tactical and not guided by any moral compass.
Clearly the GOP is keeping their powder dry and not telegraphing their vote so that Yam-man can’t attack them or threaten them by tweet until the actual vote is taken. Fucking Cowards. So nothing has changed until the day they actually vote…and even then, they’ll let him have his way with no veto override. Pissants.
The veto may well be overturned. Or not.
That covers all the debbie downers.
standard rule with Collins, believe absolutely nothing she says
The great concern light is on.
Oh, we’re still paying attention to this wretch? She’s getting paid (by us) to make an obvious statement that belies these Republican sonsofbitches counting on the courts to stop it all so they get to pretend they’re being bold? What a joke.
A word that is not used enough!
Kick the football! Kick the football!
Far from it. This vote is for all the marbles.
Veto or no veto, if the resolution passes it puts Congress clearly on record as at odds with the President over his emergency declaration. That will have a profound impact on the judicial proceedings that will follow. The conflict between the legislature and the executive will largely, if not entirely, neutralize
the usual reluctance of the judiciary to second guess presidential decisions with regard to national security. With the other two branches at loggerheads, the courts will have a compelling reason to step in and break the tie…
Without a congressional resolution rejecting Trump’s emergency declaration the administration would have an outside shot at winning in the Supreme Court. With one, it’s a 9-0 slam dunk.
You have more faith in the current Supreme Court than I do. I think the vote would be a lot closer, but hopefully with the same outcome.
Like anyone believes you won’t jump back in line if McConnell looks at you sideways. Shut up, Susan.
I predict a tsunami of concern. Brows will furrow all through the caucus. Turtles will twitch shell-ward. Miss Lindsey may even pirouette. I think we know what will follow.