For a guy who hasn’t had an office in a decade, Powell’s opinions on many topics sure seem to be important today.
But…you have 8 Congressional hearings into something that she had little to do with and you end up with a meme that she’s hiding things, untrustworthy and dishonest.
Long game.
So this is where the sane republicans are hunkering down…
Powell also added “and absolutely no blame rests with the Republican congress who cut the shit out funding for embassy security”
It is interesting how Colin Powell got dragged into the Pubbie fiasco over e-mails and Benghazi because of the Pubbie obsession with these two topics. If Powell is pissed off about dragging his name into all of this mud he can only blame his own Pubbie Party as this mudbath certainly was not the creation of Hillary Clinton.
“Completely agree,” Rice replied, according to BuzzFeed, adding, “Let me know when you’re in town and we’ll have that glass of wine (or two).”
Colin, you dog!!!
Yeah, but I suspect that’s because he also receives regular security updates like many other former very high-ranking officials. Presidents, Secretaries of State, etc. I wish he’d have come out and stated these things before.
This is going to get better and better, as the CYA and circular firing squad intensifies…
You know, things like this remind me of what Powell could have been… if he had been just a little bit more willing to buck the Party, and a little less willing to shut up and a be a good soldier as SECSTATE, he would have been a truly great man, and an American hero.
RWNJs with BENGHAZI!! glasses read: “Blame falls on HRC!!!”
What do you bet what the GOP gets from all of this is “blame” and “HC”?
okay, it’s official…he’s one of us.
Blame also rests on his leaders and supports back here. Pat Kennedy, Intel community, DS and yes HRC,” Powell wrote.
Who/what is DS?
Well, you know, he still hasn’t “come out and stated” these things. They were leaked. He is still as courageous as when he went to the UN with false information to push the Iraq War.
Exactly. That’s what I meant, but I posted a hastily-worded thought. I agree – he’s a frickin’ coward.
Uh oh…Jason Chaffetz’s silly head just exploded. All his ‘work’ through the 9 different investigations has been shown up for what it really is…a witch hunt and a waste of taxpayer dollars for political BS.
You know, things like this remind me of what Powell could have been… if he had been just a little bit more willing to buck the Party, and a little less willing to shut up and a be a good soldier as SECSTATE, he would have been a truly great man, and an American hero.
True, though it’s worth pointing out that he achieved some of his earlier positions (Nat Sec advisor, chairman of the joint chiefs) precisely because he had a reputation for splitting the middle and not rocking the boat. He has always seemed quite sane, in the Brent Scowcroft mold that is all but absent in today’s Republican party. But he’s never been a shit-disturber.
Colin, you dog!!!
Ms Rice doesn’t care for the penis. Not one bit.
Diplomatic Security.
Now, who was Pat Kennedy?