Discussion: Cokie Roberts: Comment About Birth Control And Latino Vote Was 'Inartful'

Ooopsy! I slipped up and let out what I really think! Some of my best friends are the Latino!


Wow, the very first “inartful” comment of the entire campaign season…


Shorter Cokie: To be more clear, I should have reference coathangers.
–Honestly it’s time for her to “hang” it up.


I don’t think she meant it that way, but it’s actually a nice trolling of Republicans who want to make it as difficult and expensive as possible for women to obtain birth control and manage their lives.


No Cokie, you entitled jackhole: it was clangingly stupid and tone-deaf.


I understood exactly what Cokie was trying to say. But what I really want to hear from her is: “I’m going away forever. Goodbye.”


Cokie Roberts preceded her “inartful” condescending racist attempt at a joke by stating that Latinos were ONLY 12% of the population and therefore thank God for the Electoral College. Cokie Roberts is one degree removed from her fellow alcoholic Jan Brewer who weighed in over the weekend about how Latinos never vote so no need to make too big a fuss about their participation in this election. “Inartful” joins “genteel southerner” and all the other bullshit self serving explanations displayed following every Freudian slip by the true representatives of what the GOP has become in the post Reagan era, a collection of mean spirited, small minded special interest grievance lobbies.


When are the conservatives going to realize, they can’t do humor?


I have little use for Cokie Roberts, but this is a nothingburger.


When did inartful become a synonym for stupid? I have had no use for Roberts since President Obama’s first inaugurstion. The place I was working had NPR on the radio and she kept trying to pick nits to somehow make it sound like a shit show. Retire, Cokie. It’s time.


Translation - I’m fucking stupid and I admit it

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I’m having trouble understanding what she said as being factually incorrect given that the population of Latinos in this country are, by and large, Catholic and opposed to the use of contraception in their daily lives and, thus, until about the third generation tend to have much larger families than their White or Black counterparts. From my understanding, the birth rate among Latinos is higher than the immigration rate (which last I knew was flagging pretty hard).

Thus, for the GOP to stop the growth of the :Latino Community in the US, they would have to mandate contraceptive services be used.


She reminds me of my uncle, who worked in sports for the BBC at the time, referring to a tennis star as “delightfully negroid”. That was almost 50 years ago, and we all knew it wasn’t a polite thing to say.

People like Cokie aren’t consciously racist, it’s just baked into their bones from an early age, and they’ve never had reason to learn better. We should pity them, and make sure they don’t hold positions where their inability to overcome congenital failings has a bad effect.


Inartful. So if you’d been more artful, you wouldn’t have put your bigotry and ignorance on open display. Right, gotcha.

Why can’t you just apologize for being an oafish lout?


Too late Cokie, it doesn’t matter, ‘It’s out there’.


It wasn’t “inartful”, Cokie.
It was STUPID. Can you say that, Cokie? Sound it out: S-T-U-P-I-D.
Cokie, like all Villager “journalists”, never thinks before she speaks or writes because, like all Villager “journalists”, she thinks she has the magical ability, like some modern typewriting alchemist, to spin horseshit into gold. Cokie’s problem, as is the problem of most of the Villager “journalists”, is that she usually ends up eating a horseshit sandwich.
Can’t any of you motherfuckers just say, “I said something really stupid and I’m very sorry for it.” See, it’s not really that fucking hard. And if it IS that fucking hard, how in the fucking hell did any of you jagoffs make it through journalism school if, of course, you actually ever did?


Well, you have to forgive the Cokehead. She never got over the Obamas’ vacation during the 2008 presidential campaign to that exotic foreign land of Hawaii. Guess the Cokester thought Barry and the gang should have spent a few days in Akron instead.


Oh, and one more thing: Fuck you, Cokie.


Inartful. Not sure what that’s supposed to mean but I’d guess it’s not saying what you meant to say or using language that gives folks a wrong read on the point you were trying to make. So there should be an artful premise buried in those inartful words. But misperceived due to choice of words. The central premise has to be OK though.

You can’t get that out of “You’d have to do birth control to make it useful to Republicans”. What brush strokes or key changes could make to fix that, make it considerably different? The remark suggests eliminating Hispanics to deal with their Democratic leanings. That’s it’s premise. How do you say that nicely?