Discussion: Cokie Roberts: Comment About Birth Control And Latino Vote Was 'Inartful'

Cokie has been spokes person for the republicans for decades. Her Father has to be rolling in his grave. She’s way past her prime, and I can say that because I’m 74.
She had hoped she would never see a “black” person nor a “female” in that oval office in her lifetime, and now she may witness BOTH!!!


Yes, because being artful about one’s xenophobia is what matters.


I didnt listen to her speaking about it but I didnt think it was bad or inartful. Its a jibe at the anti-Birth Control policy of Republicans.


The word “inartful” needs to be retired. The word is used by cowards to defend inexcusable words and language.


I’d say it’s not that the birth rate difference is untrue, but rather the starting point of the whole statement: “How can (we) Republicans contain the Hispanic vote?” Not, how can we be a party that embraces Hispanics, but how can we stop them from existing so they’re no longer able to vote us out of office.


I just don’t get the outrage on this one. Her point, that simply stopping immigration isn’t enough to fix Republicans’ problem with Latino voters, is true. The fact is that the Latinos who are already here, who are already citizens, are insurmountable for the GOP. Today, hopefully, we’ll see just how insurmountable.


Oh, so the problem was the premise of the discussion, not the factual statements inside of it. Thank you. That was highly unclear to me from the way the article was written.

Incidentally, the Cubanos in Miami have started to rebel against the GOP. So, yes, it is more about who embraces the Latino vote than anything else.

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Hey Cokie Roberts, you know what would be funny? Seeing you summon up the courage to speak truth to Donald Trump and mock his demagoguery? You are a smart-ass cheap shot artist.


“You can often be inartful at 5 o’clock in the morning.”

Yeah, especially when you’re new to the job.

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Good Lord - this b*tch is spinning so fast, I’m surprised she didn’t end up on the far side of the globe.


Roberts then jumped in to say that limiting immigration would not necessarily keep the Latino voter bloc from growing.

“Well, immigration wouldn’t do it,” she said. “You’d have to do birth control to make it useful to Republicans.”

Is she saying that since Latinos multiply like rabbits that the GOP could only succeed with them if they limited making more of themselves?

It’s like they all took a college course .
When I say stupid things, euphemisms for apology 101
Lesson one . Never admit you’re wrong


Eres una latina, ¿de verdad?

David Broder, former Post writer, was one of the kings of this. He detested Obama and loved McCain. I overheard him speaking to friends at dinner at his senior living residence several times and his arrogant and appalling comments were disgusting. I always have put Broder and Roberts in the same boat.


It’s interesting that many people forget that a number of western States were part of México before they entered the Union. Even the land of the Louisiana Purchase was originally claimed by Spain. I guess people of western European ancestry chose to ignore history. /s

Good lord…give her a break.

The average family size of Hispanics is rapidly approaching that of other groups. It won’t take a few generations. It has barely taken one. The thing is, it doesn’t take much for people everywhere in the world to internalize the benefits of a smaller family once they live in an urban environment.




Oh PLEASE. It does NOT mean ‘eliminating Hispanics’. THIS crowd this morning is WAY over the top. Her ‘joke’, whether you think it’s funny or not was to not create NEW voters. Geezzz…the FIRST thing we have to get back after this election is our sense of humor and TOLERANCE. C’mon.


Fun History Facts! For Cokie to Read About:

Several states, up through the 1970s, practiced medical sterilization of latinas without their consent. In a particularly egregious case in California, sterilizations were carried out by doctors at LA County-USC Medical Center by themselves, with no legal authority or sanction. Chicana women were specifically singled out for coercion into getting tubal ligations or were not provided a translator, for the stated reason that “poor minority women in L.A. County were having too many babies.” Some women didn’t even know they’d been sterilized and only discovered years later when they tried to have more children.

When the mothers took the county to court, in 1979, the judge sided with the doctors.

Anyways, Cokie, funny joke.


Fine. You sound just like the people you make fun of.