Discussion: Coast Guard Rescues Trump-Inspired RI Governor Hopeful Campaigning On Yacht

after his yacht hit a rock while blasting music at beachgoers to draw attention to his campaign.

Only the best. Let’s hope his inspiration hits a rock named Mueller (and soon). I’ll happily play patriotic music when that happens.


Are we sure this isn’t a reprint from 1918? This is my favorite story of the day so far. So many metaphors! So much winning!


:joy: :joy: :joy:


“His strategy was to approach a beach and announce that if elected, one of the many things he would do is put garbage cans on beaches so beachgoers wouldn’t have to carry their trash out in plastic bags.”

And who will pay to purchase said garbage cans, employees to maintain and dispose of said garbage and landfill fees for collected garbage? I guess he forgot about that part.

And, is his campaign reimbursing taxpayers for the Coast Guard rescue?


Nothing says champion of the working class like campaigning from your yacht.


Hero of the day: an uncharted rock


The Coast Guard said there are no federal restrictions they’d enforce on loud music and Trillo wasn’t cited for anything related to the accident.The Coast Guard said there are no federal restrictions they’d enforce on loud music and Trillo wasn’t cited for anything related to the accident.

So stupidity is still legal, eh?


Not the best optics. You’re not doing so good with your boat. Do you think that you’ll have a lot of difficulty not sinking the State?


Send the S.O.B. a bill for the rescue effort. The magic of the Free Market, right?


GOP Hopeful Campaigning On Yacht

Truly a man of the people.

Metaphorically speaking he’s doing exactly what Rethugliklans do best.


[quote=“seamus42, post:3, topic:74544”]
So many metaphors!
[/quote]It’s not just his yacht hitting a rock and taking on water that suggests his campaign is sinking, but consider the campaign theme/slogan …

“Beach Garbage Cans”

Now that will inspire the masses.

By the way, Trillo, have you ever seen the flies that gather around beach garbage cans? Disgusting and not very healthy.


A candidate for governor in Rhode Island had to be rescued by the Coast Guard on Sunday after his yacht hit a rock while blasting music at beachgoers to draw attention to his campaign.

HEY! It’s called the Darwin Award for a reason!!! Leave Joe Trillo alone!!!


The only thing that could make this story Trumpier is if the candidate left a few Hispanic crewmen behind to go down with the yacht.


Did they save the boat?

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So the candidate from the party of “personal responsibility” doesn’t have adequate life jackets on board? Or he’s just too lazy to swim the hundred or so yards to drag his carcass onto the shore?

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and in unrelated news, Joe Trillo’s campaign fund has paid off the mortgage on Trllo’s yacht. Clearly a campaign expense.

"You can hit 200,000 to 250,000 people in a day,” he said. “How else can you do that without spending a lot of money?”


The Mango Maniac is said to embolden a slew of deplorable American citizens, but amid references to racists, slanderers, bribers, cheats and oath-breakers, I’ve seen precious few references to vulgarians and fools. Glad to see some ‘balance’ returning to journalism and, yes, some hope to the downtrodden: after all, if that guy can be elected POTUS, anyone can be elected to anything!. /s

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Stephen Hopkins never had these problems

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Legal? Hell, it’s venerated!