Discussion: CO Protests Of School Board Changes To AP History, Teacher Pay Escalate

The time is coming soon when we shall have to choose between Libety and Tranny.


Since the schools were closed, is it still a sick day? What about the students and teachers who showed up to learn? Isn’t the school board punishing them?
It’s all about the money, isn’t it School Board?


History…being part of reality…has a liberal bias, and boy oh boy does that wad the conservatives’ panties. Faced with election statistics showing they’ve essentially lost the youngest and upcoming generations of voters, they’ve been all about trying to find ways to either suppress their votes or legislate their indoctrination into conservative beliefs…everything from the charter school voucher nonsense to the point where we’ve even heard some of them outright claiming we should just take away young peoples’ right to vote. Their Brave New Fahrenheit 451 Farm approach to education is going to backfire horribly.


Chingate, Beej.

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Thanks for highlighting this story, but…

I guess TPM’s copyediting for this article was set to match the photo. C’mon guys. Are you professional or not?

why should the kids go to school if they’re not going to be taught anything? They can get religious instruction at church, and academics at a tea party revival meetin’.

The school board has actually done America a favor. Their refusal to allow the kids to learn history forced the kids to go out and make history by using the very methods that conservatives are trying to pretend don’t happen.


Sad part is that the whole thing is going to get processed by Faux and the GOP/Teatroll propaganda machine as a giant piece of evidence that liberal indoctrination is, in fact, taking place in all of the country’s schools and that the teachers and their unions are coaching these children to do these things. Maybe it already is getting bandied about in that manner (haven’t seen it myself), but I suspect it’s coming if it hasn’t yet. They’ll soon be calling for investigations into whether the teachers put the children up to this, etc., don’t you doubt it.


The NEA hired two professional organizers to turn the students
into useful idiots. Teaching the history of America through the
dark prism of “victimhood” is the antithesis of the soul of the
country. Failures in the rest of the world highlight the miracle of
a revolution leading to 250 years of freedom, prosperity and
unity. It was individual responsibility, determination, hard work, cheap energy, faith, family and the rule of law, not a federal nanny government that have sustained this country. Rewriting history to imply relations with Native Americans and slavery define America is propaganda at its worst. BTW: civil disobedience is for adults not 13 year olds. It’s the “united”
NOT “divided” States of America. Multiculturalism, atheism,
anarchy, collectivism and the politics of division are not the
roots of past success, nor will they lead to a brighter tomorrow.
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution represent the foundation
and aspirations of this land, ignoring them isn’t history at all.

Why isn’t there a recall petition being mentioned yet? The Jeff Co. school board doesn’t apparently know the difference between education and indoctrination. It looks like there are enough people who want actual education as opposed to a ‘sheeple creation’ program to make a recall vote at least informative, surely someone there is starting one, right?

I live in a district that voted in “stealth” religious candidates for years. In public they said all the popular things about back to basics and responsibility. Back at church everyone knew what the real program was. In the years when they were the majority they actually made the national news over prayer at board meetings. They weren’t real big on actual issues like rapidly expanding population, buses, maintenance, etc. Actually, at least one of them was philosophically opposed to public schools and sent his kids to a religious school. It took a while for the community to catch on, about the time the entire country was shaking their heads at the CNN reports and having a good laugh at the doofuses.


I support the students. This article, however, is full of glaring typographical and grammatical errors. Also, the picture shows a teenager holding a sign in which the word “censor” is spelled “cencor.” Unflattering for the students. Who’s piloting the ship here at TPM???

Yeah, that doesn’t help the cause.

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The new AP history framework has already had a tremendous positive impact on student education in Jefferson County.

With the help of Fox news, the beneficial effect could spread quickly.


Excellent job of posting by rote.


Your post is fine.
Your screen ID is stupidly offensive.
You’re an asshole EG.

Flag it and bag it.



The teen holding the sign is just better informed than most of us are. “CENCOR” (note the use of all caps) is obviously a reference to a private vocational school that was sued by some of its Colorado students in the early 1990s for providing a piss-poor education and breaching its contracts with the students.

Clearly, she is opposed to school boards that have non-academic motives for meddling in the curriculum, threatening the existence of quality public education and raising the spectre of a future where education for children is primarily a profit-making enterprise with a secondary goal of preparing students to spend the rest of their lives in a single vocation with little hope of advancement to challenging, high-paying jobs – but that concern was too long to fit on a sign.


CENCOR, INC., a Delaware corporation, doing business as Colorado
College of Medical and Dental Careers, Petitioner,
Arla G. TOLMAN, Tracie Allen, Jeanette Berry, Carol Bowser, Karen
Castro, Laura Cowan, Cheryl Garrison, Simin Hakimi, Francis Hiler,
Suzanne Hill, Carl McGirl, Shelley Montoya, Stacey Muniz, Trace Nigh,
Lisa Norton, Donna Pacheco, Louise Ragolia, Tanya Szalwinski, and Sylvia
Westbrook, Respondents.


Hmm I was educated by the private sector and to this day I am lousy speller.

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It just burns conservatives up that those who will dedicate their lives to education actually want to use the truth as a basis


This is a big deal and everyone should know about it, across the nation. Here’s what happened:

The Koch Brothers got a VERY conservative school board elected, and then the school board decided to CHANGE the history books to reflect what the Koch Brothers and the conservatives in this nation want to teach our children. They are ‘changing’ history! Civil rights, slavery, protests, etc., etc., etc…

Also, they are trying to break the teacher’s union, and passed the curriculum and the teacher’s compensation package WITHOUT the teacher’s attendance or approval.

I’m sorry, but this country’s electorate, in this next election, needs to stand up to these millionaires and billionaires before it is too late. We defeated Mitt Romney in the last election for this very rhetoric, and they are still at it.


ORLY, do private schools issue refunds to people who get caught with self-defeating, misspelled protest banners?

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