Discussion: CNN: White House Worried FBI Director Wray May Quit Over Memo Release

Nothing. Just more propaganda disguised as news coming from the White House, with CNN’s help I guess. Its part of their disinformation campaign that now appears in full swing. Props to Russian intelligence for giving Kelly, Pompeo, Coats and man-child tRump for passing on how to go about protecting their ongoing criminal activity and what to say when the shit hits the fan.



NY Times is reporting the White House will not block the memo’s release. So much for the WH being concerned about Christopher Wray, I guess.

Putin is winning more and more these days! Nothing like putting our Intelligence Services, the FBI and the DOJ at risk.


You don’t see Vladimir Kolokoltsev, the guy responsible for the Internal Affairs Police or Alexander Bortnikov head of the Federal Security Service second guessing Vladimir Putin, do you? Why should anyone do it to Trump?


I think the answer is that they think if this process is slow walked, it will create less resistance. Everybody quitting at once has a way of looking bad.

I am not sure the timing is right for them, but regardless, grass is always greener with a new FBI director for two scoops.


Wrey quitting is a feature, not a bug.

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The White House confirmed Thursday that Trump has read the memo…

How many pages in the Nunes memo? How do the lackeys in the White House know for sure Trump read it? Did someone read it to him? If that’s the case, how much of the memo did Trump hear before his short attention span kicked in and drew him in another direction?


If the WH is worried Wray would resign, that’s because someone told Kelly Wray would resign.

Wray’s denial suggests to me that Wray had someone else tell Kelly so Wray could maintain deniability.


Yep. Here’s another one of those fun charts that sets the record straight…


He claims this is about civil liberties and yet they all voted to reauthorize FISA domestic surveillance. The press needs to ask them why?



Gah!! Nazi effing Germany.


This happened in Syracuse, New York. Grrrrrrr.


Real staffer? I’ve followed a few who I assume are just clever trolls.

@RogueSNRadvisor for example is one who always promises something HUGE is about to break…


This just put me over the edge. I am taking a break.


This isn’t fair! Trump is used to defecating on everyone, with absolutely no consequences whatsoever!


No, Kelly drank the kool-aid. Bigly. But here’s the thing - Kelly honestly does believe that he’s managing Tramp and has control over him. Kelly did an interview with FuxNews radio yesterday where he slipped up when talking about the memo’s release. He says, “…national security lawyers in the WH, they work for me, work for the president…” He adds “work for the president” as cover but he clearly thinks he’s running things over there.

Apologies all around that the link goes to FuxNews radio but that’s the only place I can find the vid which was on one of the MSNBC shows last night. Kelly’s misstep about the memo is at around the 10:30 mark.


Trump is not worried about Wray quiting. Wray has probably refused to declassify stuff in the memo that the congressman and his staff have declassified on their own. DOJ seems not to want to declassify which leaves it up to Trump to declassify and take responsibility for any fall out. Or everyone is just stalling until all the assets the memo will expose can get to some where safe.

All in all? This is pretty frigging stupid.

I mean, where to begin? I guess for starters… Nunes. Nobody is going to believe that man who doesn’t already believe that man. He’s a proven liar, and the sycophant’s sycophant. Why they’d keep trying to get things done via this man is beyond me.

Then you have the issue with the President’s credibility. I’m assuming the thinking (which is perhaps assuming too much) is that this will give him cover for either discrediting or firing Rosenstein and/or Mueller. But again - the only people who are going to buy in are already heavily invested. This memo solves nothing on that front.

Third - the memo is probably going to focus on Carter Page, right? I mean… putting that guy on TV a few times is probably enough to discredit him… but the actual plan is to base this convoluted scheme around it being morally questionable to wiretap… that guy?

I wouldn’t be concerned about this memo. They’ve done what stupid, evil people tend to do - they’ve blamed everyone else. Now that they’ve been backed into a corner, it’s likely we’ll get to watch them now wilt under pressure - and I suspect even the right wing media might be less eager to jump onboard once this has had a chance to get some airtime.

My guess? This is an immediate fizzle.


Wray may tut-tut, but I doubt he resigns. Doesn’t strike me as having that level of integrity. But I don’t know the man and can’t say for certain.

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A-a-ay-men. (a poor attempt to try to mimic the sung version of Amen)