Discussion: CNN: White House Worried FBI Director Wray May Quit Over Memo Release

Why wouldn’t he think that? I’m sure he spends more time in the Oval Office than Trump does and tells him what to do when he is at his desk.



Ooo, I like yours better!

Because, when he looks in the mirror, he still doesn’t see the wraith he’s become. He’ll get there but it’s already waaaay too late. He’s trashed his reputation and soon Tramp will trash him, too.


Wow! I never imagined that Kelly was quite that delusional.


Sorry, leftcoaster. We need some bigly news soon.

I’ve never understood how a memo drafted by Devin Nunes is supposed to be authoritative on anything at all - what the fuck? Any fool can draft a memo.


and he didn’t even do it, tena - his staff drafted the fucking memo


True, but it’s more than that. It’s their entitlement, their belief that they can do anything, and everyone just has to take it with a smile. They don’t understand consequences or dissent. They think they can do whatever they want to whomever they want, and it’s shocking to them when someone tells them to fuck off. This is administration is being ran almost solely by a team of Veruca Salts.


"Senior White House officials are working on a solution . . . "

I love this line. Trump’s dunce Nunes lays a turd. Everyone scratches their head. What’s the solution? What’s the solution? As though it were a legitimate problem that needs a legitimate solution instead of a stinking turd.



Trump contends that it should be released because law enforcement “acted inappropriately” in seeking the FISA warrant against poor Carter Page.

I so hope Trump lives to regret saying that.


Exactly. Putting morals aside for a moment, to effectively cover something up you need enough people in positions of authority to believe the lie. This fools precisely nobody who isn’t already fooled (Steve King, I’m looking at you).

SImply put: a memo from Devin Nunes isn’t likely to be the basis for much of anything meaningful. This is a poorly executed cover-up attempt by people who simply aren’t very smart.


Which makes the whole thing more of a What the Fuck? for me. All this bullshit for something that came out of a Congressional office.


It is bound to be profoundly stupid. It’s value is distraction.


I understand what it purports to show but where is there a basis for what it shows or says? The whole thing rests on nothing.


Gee, an FBI person blackmailing his superior. What are the odds? /s

Along with WH help.


It’s all about confusing people - I agree.


I don’t disagree, so I hope this all leads to a Hindenburg type fireball that consumes Nunes and anyone standing near him.

And if it doesn’t get released, that will be just as damning.


From House Intelligence Committee transcripts released yesterday:

"In another heated exchange, Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Illinois, peppers Nunes with a series of questions about whether any part of the process was coordinated with the White House.

“Let me ask you another question with the greatest respect,” Rep. Quigley said. "When you, as the majority, conceived of doing this memo for release to the body and to the public, the preparation, the thought of doing it, the consultation of it, was any of this done after/during conversations or consultations with anyone in the White House? Did they have any idea you were doing this? Did they talk about doing this with you? Did they suggest it? Did you suggest it to them? Did you consult in deciding how to go forward with this before, during, and after this point right now?

“I would just answer, as far as I know, no,” Nunes responds, before noting the minority has been reluctant to investigate matters of FISA abuse.

“Mr. Chairman,” Rep. Quigley continues, “does that mean that none of the staff members that worked for the majority had any consultation, communication at all with the White House?”

“The chair is not going to entertain a question by another member,” Rep. Nunes responds, and moves on.


Do we know where Ezra Cohen Watnick is these days? He was sooo helpful with Devin’s first gotcha fantasy.

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Wait, wasn’t Wray supposed to be the wagging lapdog? I’m so confused.