Discussion: CNN Journo: Either Cruz's Camp Stopped Reading My Report Or Knowingly Misled

Discussion for article #245678

Thanks, Capt. Obvious. Everyone already knows that.


“What is ‘Knowingly Misled’ for $200, Alex?”


crudz is a champion misleader. his staff created the lie and maliciously spread it.

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Cruz also said this which is not true.

North Korea’s new missile launch "is the direct result of the failures of the first Clinton administration.

Fact check:

The 1994 agreement between the Clinton administration and Kim Jong Il — father of the current leader, Kim Jong Un — froze North Korea’s plutonium development in exchange for aid. Plutonium development began again after President George W. Bush’s administration walked away from the deal.

> Most of the North’s development of nuclear weapons accelerated in the Bush era. The first North Korean nuclear test was in 2006.


Cruz supporters are used to being lied to, of course. They are (1) evangelical types in awe of charlatan ministers, (2) TeaPartiers in the thrall of hucksters like Glenn Beck, gold sellers, and food-storage brokers, (3) convinced Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist fascist, and on and on. Cruz’s many lies bother them not a whit as long as he confirms their ignorant biases.


Threat McCruz was notably low key last night, it seems.

(shakes head) There you go with those facts again…


Its not an either/or situation…

CNN got it right the first time when they called Cruz out and accused him of lying, but being the limp dicks that they are there, couldn’t stand behind their own reporting and withdrew their initial remark from the context of the timeline. CNN is both flaccid and ineffectual when it comes to standing up to rightwingers of any stripe.


Like Trump, Cruz could kill someone and his backers would somehow find it justifiable and still support him. The two logical choices to blame would be Obama and the “liberal” media, therefore justifying the killing. Seriously, people are nuts.


Who said “I am truly sorry my staff listened to CNN, Ben”?

“I’ll go with ‘Nasty Little Weasel’, Alex.”


But a conservative.

Says a lot about conservative values, or lack of them.


I think the world knows what a fraud Curz is…his polls will soon be tumbling like nobody’s business.

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According to a story appearing here yesterday, the Etch A Sketch that Ted has in mind (if he gets the Nomination) is not a “pivot” to the “center”, but a lockdown on minority voting, GOP voting tricks-of-the-trade and an outpouring of those people you ably describe. :worried:

It’s been done. Rafael Trujillo (after having intimidated voters with, among other things, his “carro de la muerte” red Packard) won election in 1930 with a margin of more votes than there were eligible voters.

Maybe True the Vote can learn and apply.


I’m waiting for Trump to run with this:

WINDHAM, N.H. — Ted Cruz seems to appreciate at least one New York value.

For at least the second time in recent days, the Texas senator’s wife, Heidi, has described his method of relieving tension during anxious campaign moments: show tunes.

“He’ll call me and just sing me a Broadway tune,” Mrs. Cruz told a crowd here on Tuesday.

Ted might need to re-shoot his machine-gun bacon video and wear some camo or tactical gear instead of business casual.


Cruz is having an affair with a young man from Texas. He has kept it quiet but it’s about to come out, I am told. His partner is raving mad that Cruz is no longer paying attention to him because of the rigors of the campaign, and is now threatening to go public with the sordid details.


Ever since learning about about Cruz’s role in the 2000 recount, I just assume that they will cheat their way to victory. Before that I just thought he would slime his way.


Wouldn’t that let a fox loose in the GOP’s chicken coop!

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SNL was right.

Nasty. Little. Weasel.


I’m waiting for a Breaking News bulletin wherein Ted Cruz has actually spoken the truth about something.

If that ever happens, I would just stand there in stunned silence with my mouth agape wondering if that’s a sign in Revelations.