Discussion: CNN Host Gets Into Shouting Match With <span id="eow-title" class="watch-title " dir="ltr" title="CNN's Ashleigh Banfield Gets Into Shouting Match With Ex-Rep. Ben 'Cooter' Jones">Ex-Rep. Ben 'Cooter' Jones (VIDEO)

Please proceed, Representative Jones.

That looks like youā€™re calling Jones a traitor. Better this way, no?:

Itā€™s WAY past time to take that traitorsā€™ rag down

Now that modifies rag, instead of seeming to modify traitor.

And Cooter, that show sucked donkey balls

Having seen maybe a quarter of a single episode, Iā€™m no expert; but that was certainly my impression. Which explains why Iā€™ve seen maybe a quarter of a single episode.

Good thing I have absolutely no recollection of what it sounds like. But for some reason Iā€™m now hearing the Ballad of Jed Clampett. Egad. (At least the instrumental version was good.)

1956: Mississippi made it the canton of its state flag. That was the start of the revival, as far as I know. (They replaced their 1906 flag with the 1894 version.)

In 1972 they took it one step further, putting this pledge to the flag in the Mississippi Code:

I salute the flag of Mississippi and the sovereign state for which it stands with pride in her history and achievements and with confidence in her future under the guidance of Almighty God.

Must go puke now.

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Jones? Probably Welsh, so a red dragon. Hell of a lot cooler than the saltire of sedition.

Got no problem with piling on for his idiotic statements, but do you really want to blame him for the name of the character he played on a network show? Well gaaw-lee, as Gomer Pyle would say.

Not far from where I live in outer borough NYC there is a Chrysler/Dodge dealer with a late model Dodge Challenger done up in retro Dukes trim including the lost cause flag on the roof. It has been in the front of the lot for the past several weeks. I wonder if the dealer has second thoughts about keeping it in a prominent place or shipping it to a dealer south of the Mason Dixon line.

Mississippi State Flag:

It felt good at the moment : -)

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oops. I guess THATā€™S how stupid they think we are. :slight_smile: